Tuesday, April 27, 2010

From Emotional Stress to Inner Peace In Minutes

by Ken Lauer

Do you find yourself at times getting so frustrated and emotional over what someone said, the way they approached you or how they responded?

Have you then continued to keep this in your head and review it over and over again? I know I have. The interesting thing is that this can really put you in a tail spin as you continue to dwell on the issue and think about how you can bite back or make the other person feel bad or better yet, get even. You continue this spin cycle until you work yourself into such a state of mind that you can't do anything but feel stuck and incapacitated. That you're so involved in your head that you must share it with anyone who will listen. What should you do when this happens?

Break the pattern! When you continue to force your mind to dwell on issues that cause you emotional stress, notice what state your body is in. It is in the constant fight or flight mode and if you stay in this place long enough, you will begin to invite illness, physical harm and psychological frustration that will attract more of the same.

How to break the pattern? First, be aware that you are dwelling on this issue and notice how your body feels. Ask yourself, is this state of mind supporting me in my ultimate goals and vision? And then ask yourself, what can I do now that will support my goals and vision? What state of mind would be productive for me and those around me?

Try this: Think of a word that you enjoy, that rejuvenates you, brings you peace, invites love in and helps you view the world in a "glass half full" space. The next time you notice yourself getting into the spin cycle of your mind that causes emotional trauma and physical stress, try repeating your word 9 times. If no result, try repeating it 36 times. And for those times that are really difficult, repeat the word aloud or silently to yourself 108 times.

What this does is to help you break the pattern that your mind puts you in and provides something beneficial to focus on. When you do this, notice how your body feels afterwards. If you don't feel better, continue to use your word until you can return to your true-self and be in a positive state of mind and body where your greatest success and happiness reside.

What will your word be?

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