Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Inhabiting Your Solitude

by John O'Donohue

There is a lantern in the soul,

which makes your solitude luminous.

Solitude need not remain lonely.

It can awaken to its luminous warmth.

The soul redeems and transfigures everything

because the soul is the divine space.

When you inhabit your solitude fully and experience its

outer extremes of isolation and abandonment, you will

find that at its heart there is neither loneliness nor

emptiness but intimacy and shelter. In your solitude you

are frequently nearer to the heart of belonging and kinship

than you are in your social life or public world.

At this level, memory is the great friend of solitude.

The harvest of memory opens when solitude is ripe.

Your persona, beliefs, and role are in reality a technique or

strategy for getting through the daily routine. When you

are on your own, or when you wake in the middle of the

night, the real knowing within you can surface. You come

to feel the secret equilibrium of your soul. When you travel

the inner distance and reach the divine,

the outer distance vanishes.

Ironically, your trust in your inner belonging

radically alters your outer belonging.

Unless you find belonging in your solitude,

your external longing will remain needy and driven.

There is a wonderful welcome within.

Meister Eckhart illuminates this point. He says that there

is a place in the soul that neither space nor time nor flesh

can touch. This is the eternal place within us. It would be

a lovely gift to yourself to go there often-to be nourished,

strengthened, and renewed. The deepest things that you

need are not elsewhere.

They are here and now in that circle of your own soul.

Real friendship and holiness enable a person

to frequently visit the hearth of his solitude.

10 Ways Rituals Help Us Celebrate Our Lives

by Abigail Brenner, MD

Ritual has its roots in religion, and life’s fundamental passages are often traditionally accompanied by religious ritual. But life’s great passages are by nature spiritual. They affirm human mystery and mutability, our connection with the universal. Rituals serve as a bridge between our outer and inner worlds, between the profane and the sacred, and between the ordinary and the extraordinary.

Rituals afford us a sense of belonging. When we engage in the ritual process we are, in essence, connected to “original time.” Rituals awaken that which is eternal within us and show us how our individual lives are part of a much grander design.

Rituals connect us with nature and the seasons. The ongoing transitions that occur in nature provide the prototype for change. By watching the constant shifts and turns in nature we recognize our own cycles of life, our own rhythms as humans. Rituals remind us of the interconnectedness of all of life.

Rituals provide us with a sense of renewal. They offer us a time-out from our every day routine, habitual existence. Metaphorically, rituals are oases, a time to rest, replenish, and restore our selves on our long and winding path through life. Rituals help us to reevaluate our journey thus far and to reaffirm that the path we are traveling is the right one for us.

Rituals provide an ongoing way to structure our lives. The ritual process provides a sense of stability and continuity amidst the ever-changing, hectic and often chaotic world in which we live. Rituals engender a sense of healing calm and a feeling of trust in life’s flow and forward movement.

Rituals give us a way to connect to family, past and present. Rituals tie us to our ancestors and to our heritage. Their creation and performance helps us to understand where we came from. As a bridge between past and future, they enable us to access, honor, and strengthen our own identity.

Rituals remove us from the ordinary flow of life and place us in sacred space. It is out of the realm of ordinary space and time that rituals create their magic through the mysterious and mystical language of symbolic reenactment.

Rituals help us access our authentic selves through their ability to carry us into deeper levels of consciousness. By engaging all of our senses through the use of ritual elements inherent in the ritual process, we are able to bypass the intellect in favor of our intuitive, instinctive knowing. Rituals help us balance the work of our outer and inner lives and allow for the full expression of our soul and spirit.

Rituals provide the essential tools for co-creating our own lives. Creating and performing rituals that are personally meaningful to us helps us as evolving creations to set the exact intention that will ultimately enable us to manifest and reach desired goals and aspirations.

Rituals give meaning to our journeys and a sense of purpose to our lives. While the ongoing creation and performance of rituals prepares us for the next stages of life, the successive and cumulative practice of rituals over time has the power to ultimately transform us.

Rituals that mark “rites of passage”--- major transitional turning points--- help us ‘connect the dots.’ They help us find and define the patterns and cycles in our individual lives that might otherwise seem to be random happenings if viewed separately.

By creating and performing personally expressive rituals for our selves we move freely into our own spiritual lives, taking charge of marking and honoring the transitions, the special moments in our lives that we find significant, in the ways we deem meaningful. Rituals are tools that give us the freedom to take responsibility for the direction and purpose of our lives. Our task is to seize and shape this freedom---consciously, deliberately, and joyfully.

Enter The Temple Of Inner Beauty

By Shahnaz Husain

A beautiful woman is one who values herself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Beauty is the total impact of all these aspects. Mind and body are inter-related; the state of one reflects on the other.

Yet another dimension is the soul, the inner beauty. It is more a part of us than mere body and mind; it is indestructible... Beauty includes inner beauty. To be a complete person, you have to work on not only your external beauty; you have to develop your inner beauty also.

When we look around us, we find that all creation is filled with the beauty of the soul. Look at the colours of nature and see how the different greens blend together. Look at the setting sun - how the different hues of orange, yellow and red blend in harmony. So too a harmonious combination of body, mind and soul makes us more complete and at peace.

When I talk of the soul or the spiritual aspect, I refer to the inner self and its discovery. When you find it, you will also discover that inner beauty is far more impressive than external beauty. Then you will find that make-up, grooming, clothes, jewelry, and etiquette are all superficial. In fact, there is no need for these. Your inner beauty is actually the foundation of your personality and external beauty. In fact, the discovery of the inner self is in itself a kind of empowerment. Inner beauty creates harmony; it balances the inner and the outer self. Beyond the cacophony of the mind, there is a silence within which is the key to the self, harmony and peace.

Ancient Indian sages advocated yoga, pranayama and meditation to find this inner beauty, or self-..realization. Easily adapted to a modern lifestyle, one should learn these from a qualified teacher. You can begin with simple breathing exercises and see if it helps silence the mind and bring about tranquility. Remember, silence and tranquility already exist within you. You just have to discover it. Relaxing your body and mind helps in the endeavor.

Breathing helps. You do not need to adopt a yogic posture. You may sit in a comfortable chair. Close your eyes and begin breathing, slowly and with ease. Allow your mind to follow your breathing as you inhale and exhale. You can continue breathing this way for two minutes, normally and easily, focusing your attention on your breath. If you begin to feel relaxed, continue for another few minutes. You will notice that your mind and body have relaxed - and you may even find that your mind is much quieter. Focus your attention on breathing, pushing away all other thoughts away for a few minutes.

Breathing exercises and meditation are like putting on make-up. You have to keep improving upon your skill. As you practice your conscious breathing everyday, you will get better with it, find relaxation, calm and peace. To go deeper into pranayama, it is best to learn it from a qualified teacher. Swami Vivekananda has said, "The science of breathing is the working through the body to reach the mind."

When you have practiced breathing and meditation for some time, your mind will become much more alert and clear. You will have more physical and mental energy. Your dealings with people improve. As your perspectives change, you begin to look at problems and issues differently, with more clarity and less ego. You will become more calm, regardless of circumstances. Indeed, meditation is the way to the fountain of youth and it is much more effective than all the beauty potions and cosmetic treatments to preserve youthfulness. You will not only look younger, but actually feel the vim and vigor.

Spread Your Wings & Fly

By Tara Crawford Roth

Yesterday, I rearranged the furniture in my favorite room. I wanted to open the space so I moved my couch to the other wall. Periodically I enjoy changing the look of a room as it shifts the energy and everything feels fresh.

Sitting on the couch with my coffee this morning and looking out the window I had a whole new view. Looking at the woods across the street I could feel the sun on my face as it began breaking through the branches of the trees. It felt so warm and inviting with the few remaining leaves hung amber and gold from the trees. My gaze was drawn to the tallest tree where there a hawk sat majestically perched.

In myth and ancient legends the hawk represents vision: the ability to soar above boundaries and see a bigger picture. They are messengers and visionaries. Hawk awakens our vision and inspires us to a creative life.

I gazed in wonder at this beautiful bird and sent a silent greeting as he spread his wings taking to the sky and flying towards me. His flight was breathtaking and I was struck by how the simple act of moving my couch created this moment.

It made me wonder what I might experience if I could shift my perspective as easily as I moved the furniture in my house. What if one minor course correction in my point of view could create a perception as inspiring as this? What if like the hawk, I could take on a broader view?

It is so easy to get caught in the details of your days. Here at ground level, it is easy to engage and focus on the battles at hand. Before you know it, you are feeling frustrated, angry or afraid and trapped in the drama of the moment. You can feel helpless or overwhelmed by your experiences and with no apparent way out, forgetting it is only one point of view.

But the truth is this: you are in charge of your thoughts. You can choose what you focus on; which thoughts to nurture and which thoughts to ignore. Your life is determined by how you see the world and what you focus on. That focus is the key to your perspective and your stress level.

Did you know it takes only ten seconds of holding a positive thought or memory in your mind for your body to shift, relax, and move out of the fight or flight mode? This is where the advice to count to ten comes from.

The truth is your body can't tell the difference between your mental stress and your physical stress. It takes in signals from your thoughts and feelings and converts them into what is needed. In the case of stress, it creates adrenaline. Blood rushes out of your head and limbs and into your torso to prepare you for battle. Your thinking becomes unclear and your vision is like that of a horse with blinders on; you can only see what is immediately in front of you.

Changing your point of view can reduce the intensity of your emotions and get you out of fight or flight mode. Part of that choice comes from changing negative tapes that run in your head such as, "this is terrible" or "I really screwed."

Instead, try telling yourself supportive and powerful things such as, "I can deal with this," "I deserve success," or "I know everything will work out." Why not pay more attention to what is working in your life than what is not?

How, exactly, do you shift your perspective? First of all, stop, breathe deeply and get calm. Now think of the good stuff. Thinking about how lucky you are to be alive or how grateful you are to be loved sends a chemical message to your body like an "all clear" and after ten seconds your body will relax.

This is a place where gratitude comes in really handy. The practice of being grateful creates serenity and brings you fully present. It brings an awareness of abundance into your thoughts and energy setting up a positive chain reaction.

Just like moving my couch, you can move your focus to what is working in your life. You can allow yourself to celebrate Thanksgivings all year by keeping your attention on gratitude and taking some time every day to focus on who and what you appreciate.

As you experience the tremendous power of this simple act it will become easier to remember to stop and ask, "what am I choosing in this moment?" and if you don't like the answer you can exercise your power to choose something else. It really is that simple.

I encourage you to be like the hawk: spread your wings and soar above your boundaries so you can see the miracles happening in your life every day.

Interpreting the Veil

By Debbie Edwards

So what is the veil? Many people describe it as seeing a whitish film that separates us from the spirit world. In a way, yes, that is true. But to dissect it further, the veil, energetically speaking, is actually a gap, a space in between the physical and non physical frequencies of vibration. Pure spirit operates at a much higher vibration than spirit energy that is still living within the physical earthly realm. People on earth, including disembodied earthbound energies, operate slightly slower, at a lower frequency of vibration than the energies of those who have made the full transition to the other side, including our spirit guides and angels.

During the process of mediumship, we in a way are operating within the veil itself, creating a bridge that closes the gap between the lower and higher frequencies of vibration, created a channel for this electromagnetic.. energy to be exchanged between the physical and non physical, resulting in forms of spirit communication.

Mediums raise their frequency of electromagnetic.. energy, spirit lowers theirs, and they meet in the middle. The closer we come to operating and moving at the same frequency, the thinner the veil becomes because the more visible we are to one another. That is why many mediums can only hold the connection to spirit for so long, because they have to shift their frequency in order to connect and over time, that extended effort can cause fatigue which is often experienced for a short term period of time in which no long term side effects of fatigue are experienced. Yet with a disciplined routine of continual meditation and an effort made of intentional reaching to connect with higher vibrations of energy in the spirit plane, the longer we can hold that connection. This activity over a long period of time changes the electromagnetic.. frequency of the physical body as well as the emotional and mental self. The physical body begins to experience sensitivities to stimulation such as texture, touch, taste, sound, light, vibration and more. The radius of their aura or field of energy grows.

Think of blades of a fan. When the fan is off, each blade is visible. But turn the fan on, and the blades begin to blur. The faster the speed of the fan, the more the blades blur to where sometimes they give the illusion that no blades exist at all. That is because they are moving at a speed high enough to create a gap in which one appears to disappear or to not exist at all. The same concept and illusion can be illustrated with spirits. They are moving at a much higher speed, often creating a big enough gap in movement in which their speed brings them to a vibration too fast to view. They are there, but not able to be viewed because we are not moving fast enough to catch their image in our minds frame. Like a camera that can adjust shutter speeds, our mind can be trained to hold a higher frequency of vibration in which images and pictures of spirit can be viewed and sometimes recorded within the mind.

The veil in essence, is that gap in between, the place in which the frequencies of movement are too far apart for an exchange to occur whether that be visual, mental, emotional, audible or physical. So, the more we attune ourselves to a higher vibration, the closer we become to spirit energy, resulting in a thinning of the illusion of disconnection.

The same can be applied to relationships with people. The closer we attach ourselves emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically with someone else, the closer our frequencies of vibration come together, resulting in a stronger stream of telekinetic energy exchanges which include telepathy, and shared emotions, regardless if they are together physically at the same time or not. Many people believe that a physical distance is a form of disconnection but rather, it is an illusion of separateness, similar to the veil. We all have the opportunity to close the gap and build bridges within each veil we have between us.

Same goes for earthbound energies. Disembodied spirits also experience the illusion of the veil. The lower the energies of vibration they attach to, the less they experience the higher vibrations of the other side which in turn, can cause a bit of a vacuum. It is self created usually, sometimes not, but the stronger the attachment to the physical plane or lower emotional energies, the closer to the earth plane they dwell. Many earthbound energies are very aware they have passed on and are even more aware of what they need to do to cross over. But it is out of choice they remain behind. Although sometimes there are circumstances in which other forces of lower vibrational energies, greater than their own, that can create or simulate a gravity that keeps them pulled or tied to that particular isolated area. Which an example of this would be places that have a very high activity level of spirit energy. That circle of energy can be greater than the energy of an individual spirit, creating a situation in which the spirit is kept there against their will. In short, it would take a greater force than what they can personally create, that would enable them to rise to higher frequency that would free them of this particular vacuum of lower energy.

There are many forms of the veil, both in the physical realm and the spirit but it's essential to recognize the exchange and interaction that continually takes place between the physical and non physical planes.

To close the gap and build the bridge that offers an opportunity to connect with higher vibrational energies such as spirit guides or angels, a regular routine of meditation and prayer is essential; visualizing white light or electricity igniting the senses. As this is visualized in a high rate of speed, over a period of time, this manifests in raising the electromagnetic.. frequency of the spiritual, mental and emotional bodies. Whether connecting with someone here or in the realms of spirit, raising the electromagnetic.. frequency of ones self is what creates a stronger bond and connection to those we're wishing to connect with. Every thought is a thing. Every emotion is a thing too and although our expressions of such vary, they are equal energetically.

Raising our vibration closes the gap in between. The veil disappears and the mysteries we are looking to solve suddenly become accessible.

Diligence, discipline, and determination can yield amazing results!

Using the Mirror of Life

From "Creating True Prosperity" by Shakti Gawain

Often, we are so stuck in our old beliefs and patterns that we aren't able to see the changes we need to make. Even when we feel frustrated about our problems, we may not recognize what we need to learn to change things. That is why we need to use the mirror of life.

Everything in our lives reflects where we are in the process of developing integration and balance. We can use everything that happens externally as a mirror to help us see the areas within us that need healing and development. Whenever we have a problem, especially a recurring or chronic problem, it is always an arrow pointing directly to some aspect of our psyche where we need more awareness.

If we accept that life is always trying to teach us exactly what we need to learn, we can view everything that happens to us as a gift. Even experiences that are uncomfortable or painful contain within them an important key to our healing, wholeness, and prosperity.

We may have difficulty understanding what the mirror of life is trying to show us, but if we sincerely ask for the learning and the gift in every experience, it will be revealed to us one way or another.

One of the clearest reflections we have to work with is the one provided by our relationships. Everyone we attract into our life is a mirror for us in certain ways. All of our relationships -- our families, children, friends, co-workers, neighbors, pets, as well as our romantic partners -- reflect certain parts of us. How we feel with someone is usually an indication of how we feel about the parts of us that they mirror.

We all attract certain people into our life who have developed qualities opposite to the ones we are most identified with. In other words, they mirror our disowned selves, and we mirror theirs. These are often the most highly emotionally charged relationships. We either love them, hate them, or both! We feel very attracted to them, and/or very uncomfortable, judgmental, annoyed, or frustrated with them. The stronger the feelings, the more important a mirror they are for us. We have drawn them into our reality to show us something about what we need to develop in ourselves. The fact that we have such strong feelings (one way or another) toward them means that they are showing us a part of ourselves we need to acknowledge, accept, and integrate.

This does not mean we have to be with them or hold onto a harmful or inappropriate relationship. It just means that as long as they are in our lives, or even in our thoughts and feelings, we can use the relationship as a learning experience. It also does not mean we are supposed to become like them. They may carry an energy we need more of, but they may be too far to the opposite extreme, or they may express that energy in a distorted way.

Still, we can look for the positive essence in the opposite qualities they carry. For example, if you have been taught never to express any anger, you will probably at some point find yourself in relationship with a person who expresses their anger frequently and vehemently. Life is giving you a strong message that it's time for you to learn to acknowledge your own anger. It is not saying you have to become like this person and go around dumping your anger everywhere. Instead, you need to find the appropriate balance, learning how to assert yourself and stand up for yourself.

If you have strongly developed being energy but have difficulty taking action, you may find that someone important in your life is a compulsive doer who can't relax. Naturally, you don't want to go to that extreme, but this person is your teacher, to show you the energy of action that you need to develop. Of course, you are a teacher for them, as well, but it usually doesn't work very well to try to show the other person what they need to learn from you -- although we all succumb to this temptation. It works much better to concentrate on what we need to learn in the situation.

Once we use the mirror to understand what we need, and actually do the work to develop a disowned self, the whole pattern of the relationship will shift.

If we are strongly identified with power, we will attract vulnerable, needy people. This mirror is reflecting our need to recognize and accept our own vulnerability. If and when we do that, the needy people in our lives will either become more empowered, or will move out of our lives. If we are overly vulnerable and disown power, we will find ourselves in a relationship with someone who uses power one way or another. We will feel overwhelmed, controlled, or victimized by them until we own our power, at which point the relationship will either dissolve or become more equal.

....We often seem to gravitate toward a romantic or business partner who has an opposite approach to financial management. If the difference is not too extreme, this can be a complementary and harmonious balance in which we appreciate and learn from each other's strengths. If we are highly polarized, however, it can be painful and frustrating, leading to a great deal of conflict and stress.

Still, it is a gift -- an opportunity to recognize how identified we are with one polarity and a chance to develop the opposite energy we need. Like any relationship issue, it requires that we communicate with one another, and be willing to listen and empathize with each other's feelings and perspective.

...If you grasp the basic idea of how our relationships show us the next steps we need to take in our personal growth, you can begin to use your relationships as powerful guides on your path to true prosperity.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

by Owen Waters

A Journey in Consciousness

Life is a journey in consciousness
Here is the map:

Inspired Wisdom from Within

Inspiration comes from your inner being through the sense of intuition. Women may be more familiar with the sense of intuition, but it flows equally through men and women, provided you allow it and encourage it.

Intuition is a sense of knowingness. It’s what makes a person say, “I just know.” It’s a sense beyond the physical senses.

Intuition is your awareness of the consciousness of other objects and situations.

Intuition brings you direct information about any object or situation, anywhere, and from any time – past, present or future.

When you examine an object, such as a person’s wristwatch, for example, you notice its physical appearance. If you hold it in your hand, you can turn it over and look at it for some more visual information, but you can also invoke your sense of intuition and get some real information from it.

The wristwatch has a subtle magnetic aura which preserves a memory of everything that has happened to it since it became an individual, manufactured item. Within the memory of that unit lies a record of everything that the owner thought, felt and experienced whenever they were wearing the watch.

Intuition can tell you the history of an object. It can also tell you what any person is really thinking or planning. It can even tell you what the future is likely to bring. Bear in mind that the future is variable until a choice is made. If you don’t like what you sense about the future, if your mind is troubled with forebodings, you can change the choices you make and change your future.

When you focus on a future event, you will receive impressions as to how it will likely unfold. You may feel confident and positive about how it will turn out, or you might feel stressful and concerned about it. Sometimes you have to move out of danger’s way and sometimes, even though you sense a potentially dangerous situation, it may not feel like it will become a threat to you personally.

They key is to use meditation to move beyond any concerns of the moment and into a peaceful state of non-........expectance. You have to be open to what is, not what you imagine might happen. The more you practice using your intuition, and the more you calm down any emotional expectancy, the clearer the information becomes.

Inspiration is information from a wider perspective of consciousness – your inner being. At that soul level of consciousness you have access to the reality of any situation. You can also draw from any information anywhere on the planet, because, at that level, you have access to the collective unconscious, where all information known to humanity is available.

The Living Code of the Heart

by Aluna Joy Yaxkin

The law of In Lak'ech Ala K'in in Mayan tradition means I am another yourself. It also means I am you, and you are me. It is a statement of unity and oneness and mirrors the same sediment of other beautiful greetings such as Namaste for East India, Wiracocha for the Inca, and Mitakuye Oyasin for the Lakota.

The more humanity begins to live In Lak'ech Ala K'in, the less we will think in terms of our separateness. There can be no competition, jealousy or envy between us, because we are pieces of each other. We can share and help each other with our connections, ideas and resources without fear that there will not be enough to go around. When we live the reality of unity, abundance and wholeness, there will be unity, abundance and wholeness! The more of us that participate in the creation of a better world, the quicker it will arrive. We will have peace, love, harmony and unity, and will finally have arrived home.

12 Strands of DNA : Our Spiritual Heritage

By Kate A. Spreckley

For years science has recognized that we have two active physical strands of DNA. We also have a further ten energetic DNA strands which have been dormant within the Human Being for many centuries. These dormant strands of DNA have been discovered by scientists, who not knowing the function of these strands, have identified them as ‘junk’ DNA.

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains all the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living things. The main role of DNA is the long-term storage of information. DNA is often compared to a set of blueprints since it contains the instructions needed to construct other components of cells. The DNA segments that carry genetic information are called genes, but other DNA sequences have structural purposes or are involved in regulating the use of genetic information.

Our DNA is therefore our personal blueprint and as such contains all our mental, physical, emotional and Spiritual information. The original Human Being had 12 Strands of DNA actively working and maintaining the full function of the Human as a Spiritual Being. With our over preoccupation with left brained thinking and the closing down of our heart centers, these ‘extra’ DNA strands have been lost. The consequences of this loss are that we live in a spiritually deficient society and our intuitive and healing abilities have been hugely reduced. It has also resulted in us only accessing and using a very small part of our brains.
The human body is the most valuable thing we will ever own. It stores and holds a wealth of information, wisdom and knowledge on every aspect of ourselves, our world and all of life. Combinations of intelligence are stored within the Human and a great amount of data is stored inside the body. Inside our bodies are the formulas required to replicate other forms of intelligence throughout the Universe.

At conception, we receive, from our two different bloodlines (our parents) certain matched and paired recessive genes. These genes hold light codes that give us the highest opportunity for accessing and developing our Spiritual abilities and for healing the damaged and wounded aspects of our Soul.

At the same time these genes hold memories which have created blocks to our path to oneness and initiated our deep-rooted feelings of separation, separation from our true essence and our Creator. This memory of separation has forced us to created experiences and situations where we are given the opportunity to heal ourselves, our world and our separations.

As a Soul we carefully picked and chose our parents and their bloodlines in order to facilitate experiences and situations that will enable us to heal ourselves. We have therefore handpicked our own DNA structures and the possible opportunities to activate and awaken further strands of DNA.

The energy of our Earth is moving through major vibrational shifts and into higher levels of consciousness. As the Earth raises Her vibration, we as Human Beings are being given many opportunities to raise our vibration. This shift is being referred to as the Ascension and there are many people around the world who are experiencing confusion and chaos in their worlds. Yet in this seeming chaos and confusion lie great opportunities for us to grow, expand and evolve.

One of the most exciting aspects of our evolutionary process is the retooling of our DNA. Cosmic light encoded rays from our Creator have been coming into our Earth stimulating change and reordering our Human bodies. As the light encoded filaments are absorbed into our being our scattered DNA is being activated and reformed into new helixes or strands of DNA and being reordered into bundles.

As this rebundling and reordering progresses we create a more evolved nervous system that facilitates new information and data to move into our consciousness. Many of our dormant brain cells are being awoken and we are being able to access our full body potential. As our bodies fill with more light so our memories are opened and we evolve as our DNA evolves into conscious Multidimensional Beings.
Our 12 strands of DNA activate and connect to our 12 Chakra points, energy doorways through which we access our Spiritual heritage. The 12 strands of DNA serve as links through the 12 chakras to the energy web outside of our bodies. The 12 chakras act as energetic doorways into our body connecting us to the vital forces of existence. It is through opening and activating these portals of energy that we can begin to truly know ourselves. As all 12 strands of DNA are now forming, whatever issues we have not dealt with and peacefully cleared in our personal history, will create chaos. Feelings and memories are emerging offering us an opportunity to experience the fabric of our being and revealing who we are through the events and beliefs that are intricately woven into us.

Our task is to awaken, activate and unite all 12 creating the spinning of the 12. This spinning of the 12 strands of DNA and 12 chakra points will draw to us energies that will intermingle and move throughout our beings activating and awakening the many different aspects of ourselves. This will trigger new versions, understandings and meanings to all the events in our lives and our world.

Our 12 chakras are collections of energy where events can emerge. They hold memory and identity and each corresponds to a strand of DNA. These 12 energy centers must be accessed from within where we can feel the data corresponding with and translating our experiences within the context of our minds.

By opening our hearts and minds all the answers to the great mysteries will be found within. We are required to step out of our current belief systems and to create new belief systems as the mind is structured to evolve and form our experiences based on what we command. Our mind is not our master; we are the masters of our own minds. The mind is but a tool to be used to create reality and nothing more.

By consciously working with the waves of energy and light moving into our Earth, we are able to realize and understand that the transformation of this planet is based upon the healing and power of our minds.

Activating the full 12 DNA strands will create a connection between our human genetic coding and give us access to all knowledge and wisdom. This is the awareness and understanding of who we truly are.

In activating all 12 strands of DNA we create an alignment within ourselves allowing us to gently shift into much higher vibrational levels and frequency of light, helping our ascension process by further awakening our human consciousness.

What Is Truth?

By Tom Murasso

How can we know truth? Is truth something we know or something we believe?

When we start asking questions like, ‘how it all began’, ‘what’s really going on’, or ‘how’s it going to end’, it’s difficult to know the truth, or believe something to be true, because we have no proof. Sure, we have religion telling us one thing and science telling us another, but intelligent design or chaotic random events require the ‘believer’ (us) to accept something on faith – faith in God, the Bible and religion, or faith in scientific theory. Whatever it is, truth becomes a belief – or said another way: ‘truth’ is what is true for the believer.

As my curiosity brought me to different sources of information over the years, I had to develop a way to make sense of what I was learning and exposed to. Basically, I was comparing information amongst various sources and if I came upon something I resonated with, I would continue to research it until I could validate it against similar beliefs before storing it in my belief system. Thus the information became my truth.

The trouble with this system of checks and balances was I would compartmentaliz..e and label what I learned and then several years later be shown an entirely different slant on it. So, now what? Why was truth true then… and not true now? What IS truth? It obviously had to do with what I wanted to believe based on my limited perceptions and filters. And, only when writing "The Manuscript: Awakening Into Oneness" did I realize we have always had a way to make sense of it all. We’ve always known the truth!

Experience the feelings. If something feels right, there is a connection. If something feels ‘funny’ just move on. We really do have all the answers inside… we just forgot how to access them.

Truth and Perceptions (No, it’s not the name of an old TV show from the 60’s!)

From Wikipedia.com: The meaning of the word truth extends from honesty, good faith, and sincerity in general, to agreement with fact or reality in particular. The term has no single definition about which the majority of professional philosophers and scholars agree. Various theories of truth continue to be debated. There are differing claims on such questions as what constitutes truth; how to define and identify truth; the roles that revealed and acquired knowledge play; and whether truth is subjective, relative, objective, or absolute.

There are many definitions of truth, and we are constantly exposed to different levels of truth. According to an individual’s level of consciousness, each person has their own perception of truth, their life, and their surroundings.

If someone is fearful, they will perceive people, things and events around them as something to be feared or at the least cautious of. Truth to them is that all things are threatening. There’s a negative vibration to these folks and something (or someone) is always happening 'to' them.

On the other hand, people with a loving, trusting nature, see mostly ‘good’ in their surroundings. Their usual perception of people, things and events around them is positive and they naturally like to live life and enjoy it. They feel they are a ‘part’ of life. Sure, there are all types of people in between and those that teeter back and forth amongst the two extremes. What I’m describing is something called ‘duality’.

Our three-..dimensional earthly experience is one of duality. Good or bad, up or down, right or wrong, black or white, in or out, light or dark, for or against, love or fear, etc. Everything has it’s polar opposite. This is the Law of Polarities. It’s either this or that based upon our perception. The keyword there is 'perception'.

If however, a person sees both sides of duality at the same time, then their truth encompasses all the different vibrations in one's existence. Everything is acknowledged as part of the Whole. This is called ‘Oneness’.

All truth can be determined from within. This ability is known as intuition or gut feelings. Simply ask, "Is this my truth?" And then listen to the body for the answer. If we get a bad feeling in the pit of the stomach, we'll know the answer we have received is not true for us. A good feeling or tingling somewhere in the body is an indication of connection to Source Energy and truth. This ability has been lost in our modern society. But if we practice, have trust and faith, we soon learn to rely on the body sensations and the feelings we have concerning what is true and right for us.


Kinesiology is another technique to determine truth. Kinesiology is a form of muscle testing. The body's muscles respond to truth by becoming strong. The muscles become weak, when something is not true. Strong or weak – more duality! Two people are required to test the muscles. The easiest muscle to test is the arm muscle.

Everything in the universe radiates a specific frequency or vibration and energy field, which remains in the field of consciousness, the Akashic record, permanently. To determine truth using kinesiology, the test subject extends their left arm horizontally, while the tester faces the subject and places their left-hand on the test subject's right shoulder. Two fingers of the tester’s right hand are placed on top of the wrist of the extended arm of the subject. Slight pressure is applied to the wrist and the test subject is asked to resist against it. Normally, the subject is able to resist the pressure and keep the arm extended parallel to the ground. This is an indication of truth, as the body's muscles only remain strong in the presence of truth.

Not everyone is a suitable test subject, and not everyone is a suitable tester. Occasionally there are persons who are unable to keep the arm extended when any downward pressure is applied. Sometimes the timbre of the tester's voice will make the subject go weak.

To experiment with kinesiology, it is important to keep the environment free from noise and distractions, such as pets and children, as well as background music. Remove metal objects such as eyeglasses, watches, rings and necklaces. Strong perfume or cologne may also affect test results. It's best to have the test subject close their eyes.

To begin a kinesiology test, the tester should ask the subject to visualize someone they love, and then press down with their two fingers on the test subject's extended arm. If the arm does not stay strong, something has been overlooked, or the subject really does not love who they are thinking about.

To validate truth and test strong, ask the subject what their name is, have them visualize the American flag, Mother Teresa or simply state the word ‘abundance’. The subject's arm should remain strong.
Testing weak can be experienced by having the test subject visualize someone they hate or saying words like Hitler, Jack the Ripper, 911, heavy metal or gangster rap music. The subject should not be able to resist the downward pressure of the tester.

Each time a question is asked, the test subject is told to resist and the tester presses down quickly with two fingers on the subjects extended wrist. It is useless to ask questions about the future as the results will be unreliable. Questions should always be posed as a declaration of fact. Preface the investigation with the statement like, "Is it safe for me to make an inquiry into (blank)?" Yes? No?

An interesting experiment using kinesiology is to hold an object next to the subject’s solar plexus and test the arm muscle. Try items like artificial sweeteners, the foods you love, your favorite music, medicines you take, etc.


In 1995, a book was published by Dr. R. David Hawkins called, “Power vs. Force.” In it, Hawkins used kinesiology to determine a person’s consciousness level. He has determined, in his 25 years of research, that there are definable levels of consciousness measurable between 1 and 1000; 1 being the lowest level and barely alive and 1000 representing the Christ Consciousness. Only one person in the last 2000 years has calibrated at 1000: Jesus. It took him over 30 lifetimes to reach that level of consciousness. Ultimately, Hawkins discovered that consciousness calibrated at 200 was the point at which someone has the opportunity to advance to higher states of consciousness utilizing love. A consciousness that calibrates fewer than 200 means one is operating from the survival mode of fear.

Dr. Hawkins Consciousness Calibration Levels

20 – Shame

30 – Guilt

50 – Apathy

75 – Grief

100 – Fear

125 – Desire

150 – Anger

175 – Pride

200 – Courage

250 – Neutrality

310 – Willingness

350 – Acceptance

400 – Reason

500 – Love

540 – Joy

600 – Oneness

700-900 – Enlightenment

1000 – Christ Consciousness

At 500, duality or polarity begins to dissipate and completely merges into Unity or Oneness at 600. At 500 we are beginning to feel the merging of the polarities and by 600 we know the feeling of Oneness. If one finds himself in the 400's (reason), they think they understand Oneness and polarities, but only feel them occasionally.

How does one find the consciousness level? It is found by using kinesiology which has been scientifically proven to give accurate results. As stated above, the muscles of the body go weak for non-truths, and strong for truth.

Two people calibrating at 200 or more are needed for accurate results. People reading this article most likely calibrate above 200. The tester simply asks the test subject the question: "The consciousness calibration for this subject is 200 or more?" If the muscle stays strong, the answer is yes. Then the tester would ask: “300 or more?” Once again, strong resistance is a yes answer. “400 or more?” This process would continue until an exact consciousness calibration number for the subject was validated.

The solution to all third dimensional duality/..polarity problems is to bring a higher consciousness to the situation. In other words, shoot for a higher vibration. If one is feeling grief or fear, which calibrates below 100, the consciousness can rise by becoming angry which calibrates at 150. A higher vibration of pride (175) resolves the anger and raises the consciousness level even more. The goal then, is to reach for a higher vibration, and to keep reaching.

So, if we want to know truth, trust the feelings. Use kinesiology testing. If we want to raise our consciousness, we must fill our lives with people, things, events, thoughts and vibrations that calibrate higher than where we are now.

The Power of Asking for What you Want

by Margot Zaher

"Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find,
knock and it shall be opened unto you." Bible, Mathew 7:7

When you ask for what you want, you literally set in motion the manifestation process. Asking is like opening the door to an airless chamber. Once you open this door, all of the air will naturally come rushing in. When you ask the Universe for support, the door to manifesting your desire opens and all of the resources needed to create this manifestation begin to rush toward you at breakneck speed. All of the opportunities, people, and resources you need magically begin to show up without you having to do a thing as long as you ask with conviction, and let go of any attachments you might have about how the Universe's support will look.

"You can't ask for what you want unless you know what it is.

A lot of people don't know what they want or they want much less than they deserve.

First you have figure out what you want. Second, you have to decide that you deserve it.

Third, you have to believe you can get it.

And, fourth, you have to have the guts to ask for it. ~ Barbara De Angelis

In order for the Universe to help you, you must be very clear about what it is that you are asking for. Many people suffer from the wishy-washy disease, and have trouble sticking to one request. If you ask the Universe in a wishy-washy uncommitted way, you will manifest very wish-washy and unsatisfying results. Many people do not directly ask for what they want because they are afraid that whatever they desire is too lofty, too hard to get, too unrealistic, too selfish, etc.. Basically, they have an internal judgment about what they desire that dampens their ability to ask for what they truly want. All of this inner dialogue around asking for what you want is simply past conditioning from your childhood that you have definitely outgrown. Stop letting your past affect the present. Simply decide that you will not let all of the ideas and notions you digested as a child impact your ability to manifest what you want. Decide right now to ask for what you want and ignore the noisy protests of your mind.

Are you tired of living a life that you do not find satisfying? If so, it is time to start asking for what you really, really want. So what do you really, really, really want to manifest in your life? Stop right now, and check inside. This answer lies right on the surface of your being since you have pushed it aside so’ so many times. Go ahead and give yourself permission to admit to yourself and others what you are really dreaming of. Stop hiding your true desires under a bed of internal judgments and misperceptions..... Pull away the cloak behind which you have kept your desires, and get real about what your heart deeply yearns for. Write whatever this is down without judging it in any way.

"When it is said to you, 'Ask, and it is given,' there is no more powerful statement that is at the basis of what makes things happen." ~ Abraham Hicks

Now it is time to ask the Universe for what you want. When you get clear on what this is, simply ask the Universe to support you in manifesting this. Make your request out loud in a strong powerful affirming voice. Say something like, "Universe, I ask that you support me in manifesting (put your request here). I ask that this be done to this highest good of all concerned. Thank you for fulfilling my request." Continue to make this request any time you doubt your ability to manifest this desire, or feel contracted emotion around its manifestation such as fear or anger. Soon you will notice that the Universe is indeed answering your request. In a matter of hours or days, the people and resources that you need to manifest your desire will begin to appear in your life as if by magic.


by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer

I allow myself to feel good right now.

I feel my soul all around me,

sending me its joy.

I open to receive my soul's joy.

Joy is flowing into me.

Joy is streaming into my cells and atoms.

As joy flows into me I expand.

I feel free.

Joy flows out from me,

touching everyone around me.

My thoughts are positive.

I feel happy.

I think of my life.

I imagine what would be different

in the next few hours

if I expressed my soul's joy.

I now do it.

When I encounter someone

who is less joyful,

I draw in the quality of joy,

I fill myself with joy,

then radiate joy to the other.

I now ask my soul and higher self,

to send me a clear vision

of the next steps of my path.

I ask for greater clarity

about my higher purpose.

I ask myself each hour,

"What am I doing next that

is part of my higher purpose?"

I create my higher purpose

from moment to moment.

As I do, I feel joy,

for joy comes from living in the flow

and creating my higher purpose.

I let go of power struggles.

Whenever I encounter power struggles

or people who are negative,

I connect with my soul

and draw in its joy.

I stay centered in my own energy

and feel my soul's joy

radiating through me.

I expand my potential for joy,

I live in a rhythm of joy.

I radiate joy to others.

I am becoming more joyful everyday.

As I wake up tomorrow

I connect with my soul's joy

and let it radiate through me

and out to others.

I am a source of joy to others.

My joy lifts others and

makes their burdens easier to carry.

I bring light to everyone around me

through my expression of soul joy.

The Color of Friendship

Author Unknown

Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. All claimed that they were the best; the most important,
the most useful, the favorite.

GREEN said: "Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and of hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would die. Look over the countryside and you will see that I am in the majority.”

BLUE interrupted: "You only think about the earth, but consider the sky and the sea. It is the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep sea. The sky gives space and peace and serenity. Without my peace, you would all be nothing.”

YELLOW chuckled: "You are all so serious. I bring laughter, gaiety, and warmth into the world. The sun is yellow, the moon is yellow, the stars are yellow. Every time you look at a sunflower, the whole world starts to smile. Without me there would be no fun.”

ORANGE started next to blow her trumpet: "I am the color of health and strength. I may be scarce, but I am precious
for I serve the needs of human life. I carry the most important vitamins. Think of carrots, pumpkins, oranges,
mangoes, and papayas. I don't hang around all the time, but when I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset, my beauty is so striking that no one gives another thought to any of you.”

RED could stand it no longer, he shouted out: "I am the ruler of all of you. I am blood - life's blood! I bring fire into the blood. I am willing to fight for a cause. I am the color of danger and of bravery. Without me, the earth would be as empty as the moon. I am the color of passion and of love, the red rose, the poinsettia and the poppy.”

PURPLE rose up to his full height: He was very tall and spoke with great pomp. "I am the color of royalty and power. Kings, chiefs, and bishops have always chosen me, for I am the sign of authority and wisdom. People do not question me! They listen and obey.”

Finally INDIGO spoke, much more quietly than all the others, but with just as much determination: "Think of me. I am the color of silence. You hardly notice me, but without me you all become superficial. I represent thought and reflection, twilight and deep water. You need me for balance and contrast, for prayer and inner peace.”

So the colors went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own superiority. Their quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening. Thunder rolled and boomed. Rain started to pour down relentlessly. The colors crouched down in fear,
drawing close to one another for comfort.

In the midst of the clamor, rain began to speak: "You foolish colors, fighting amongst yourselves, each trying to dominate the rest. Don't you know that you were each made

for a special purpose, unique and different? Join hands with one another and come to me."

Doing as they were told, the colors united and joined hands.

The rain continued: "From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that you can all live in peace. The Rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow."

And so, whenever a good rain washes the world, and a Rainbow appears in the sky, let us remember to appreciate one another.

A Simple Act of Kindness Can ...

© By N Andrew DaCosta

A simple act of kindness can change a person's whole day. What was once dark, dismal, and gray, you can make gay. It doesn't take much effort to impart something magnificent. I must tell you that a kind word has much force, far from insignificant.

A simple act of kindness can be the difference between roads traveled, for instance, to a troubled person needing a lift out of sinking gravel. If you could save a life or a soul by giving a heartfelt greeting, I know you would. Or, stop to say:

"Are you okay?" to a soul that was needing.

A simple act of kindness can put color back into a grimacing face; Move someone from self-destruction and self-hate, so they can find redemption in God's loving grace.It need not be your life's work, but it can give worth to someone else's life:

Turn away from strife to a place where hope is rife.

A simple act of kindness can bridge the chasm between enemies; put aside pride and ambition so children can grow with fonder memories. Our differences are so minute when likenesses are tallied, that comforting a sick child is salient, no matter creed or malady.

A simple act of kindness can bring distance short; when families are vexed and mouths speak of tort. The irony of our Human frailties can be abated with kindness, to put an end to senseless acts of depravity, and to visceral violence.

Remember and add to this: A simple Act of Kindness can.

You Don’t Have To Be In Control To Survive

by Dick Sutphen

Most of us want to manipulate and control our circumstances, but these are fear-based emotions. I know I sound like a broken record when it comes to saying we’re here on earth to learn to let go of our fear-based emotions such as prejudice, selfishness, jealousy, envy, blame, repression, greed, the desire to control, and the list goes on and on and on.

The need to manipulate and control is a big fear. And if it applies to you, I suggest that you consider the fact you don’t have to be in control to survive.

You can detach from the conflicts and confusion in your life by simply refusing to try to control the outcome. In the following process, ask yourself each question, and then listen for the first thought that comes up in response.

Do-It-Yourself Control Process

Who are you trying to control in your life at this time? (a mate or lover, your inlaws, friends, boss, associates, etc.)

Why? What do you fear might happen?

What if that did happen? What is the worst it would mean for you?

What if you were to integrate your fear by letting go and allowing circumstances to flow to their logical conclusion?

Which is the growth choice?

Can you give up your expectations? If the other person comes through, great. If they don’t come through, that’s okay too.

Usually, attempts to control are an effort to get someone else to change -- to become what you want them to be. But you can’t change other people. It doesn’t work. Even if you manage to get what you want, it won’t last. The other person will be repressing who they are and no one can do that for long.

In the case of severe conflicts, sometimes the only way to be responsible to yourself is to remove yourself from the environment you find yourself within. But if you’re going to stick around, what do you have to lose by just mentally standing over in the corner and observing?

The Need of the Hour

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Lightworkers around the world have made the heart commitment to assist with the necessary purging that is taking place in the global economy. This is a natural part of the cleansing that must occur in order for the archetypes of God’s Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace to tangibly manifest in the lives of awakening Humanity.

In order for the patterns of perfection for the New Earth to physically manifest, the overwhelming corruption, greed, fraud, selfishness, ignorance and abuse of power, which has been the order of the day for far too long in our global economic system, must be exposed and eliminated. This is exactly what we are witnessing at this time. Any attempt to reestablish these negative behavior patterns at the expense of the masses of Humanity will fail. These destructive patterns cannot be sustained in the 5th-..Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth.

As the archetypes for God’s Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace filter into the physical, etheric, mental and emotional strata of Earth, everything that conflicts with these patterns of perfection is being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into Light. Things seem very difficult at this time. That is due to the fact that as we watch the news and read our newspapers we easily see the horrific patterns of greed, fraud, corruption and the inequitable distribution of wealth that are being exposed. What we do not see as easily, is the incredible Light that is pushing these obsolete patterns of separation, fear and the abuse of power to the surface.

It is not the Divine Intent of our Father-Mother God for this imperative cleansing of the global economic system to take awakening Humanity down the tubes financially. Quite the contrary. The Divine Intent is for these old behavior patterns, which have caused so much pain and suffering throughout the world, to be quickly exposed and eliminated. Then the patterns of God’s Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace will be easily established as the order of the day on the New Earth.

The most important thing Lightworkers can do to accelerate this process of healing is to focus our attention on the new patterns of Abundance and Peace. The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have given us wonderful invocations, visualizations and decrees to assist us in doing just that. These gifts from On High are designed to help us keep the focus of our thoughts, words, feelings and actions on the Truth of what is occurring instead of on the fear-based patterns of our broken global economy.

Please join in consciousness with Lightworkers all over the world as you empower the patterns of perfection for our global economy and for the New Earth. Go within to the deepest recesses of your heart, and join in one-pointed consciousness as you invoke the full Divine Potential of God’s Infinite Abundance and Eternal Peace.

These invocations are stated in the first person so that we will experience them tangibly in our individual lives, and simultaneously,.. we will invoke this Light for all Humanity as we serve as surrogates on behalf of every man, woman and child on Earth.

The Golden Flame of Abundance
Through the Power of God blazing in my heart and the hearts of ALL Humanity, I joyously receive and accept the gift of God’s Golden Flame of Eternal Peace and Infinite Abundance. On the wings of this Divine Light, I Ascend into the Causal Body of God. From this realm of Divine Consciousness, I have the clear inner knowing that GOD IS MY SUPPLY!

I relinquish now, in the name of God, I AM, all of the power I have ever given to lack and limitation through my thoughts, words, actions and feelings in any time frame or dimension, both known or unknown. I relinquish now, in the name of God, I AM, all of the beliefs I have ever had that were based in poverty consciousness.

From this moment forward, I consecrate and dedicate my very life to be the Open Door through which the new, frequencies of the Golden Flame of Eternal Peace and Infinite Abundance will now flow to bless me, my family, friends, coworkers and ALL Humanity.

As I breathe, think, speak, feel and act, the Presence of God within me is perpetually expanding the Golden Light of Eternal Peace and Infinite Abundance to all Life evolving on Earth. And so it is. Through all levels of Divine Consciousness.....

I Now Decree:
I AM! I AM! I AM! The eternally sustained manifestation of God’s infinite supply of money and every good thing I require to assist me in my service to the Light, NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace.

I AM! I AM! I AM! The eternally sustained manifestation of God’s infinite supply of money and every good thing I require to assist me in my service to the Light, NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace.

I AM! I AM! I AM! The eternally sustained manifestation of God’s infinite supply of money and every good thing I require to assist me in my service to the Light, NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace.

In deep love and appreciation for my glorious gift of Life, I consecrate my Heart and Soul to be the Open Door for the patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God until the New Earth is manifest, and all Life evolving here is wholly Ascended and FREE. It is done! And so it is! Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM,
Beloved I AM.


by Carrie Hart

You will sometimes meet someone you believe is a soul mate; you feel the connection on many levels, perhaps instantly. And as you get to know each other more, you begin to feel the connection deepen and you feel that you must have an arrangement with this person that predated this lifetime.

Do not assume, however, that this soul connection necessarily means that you are meant to be happily together for this lifetime. It may be that you are meant to be friends and allies, helping each other out. It may be that you are going to help each other in ways that even involve conflict and separation, but with an end result that is beneficial to you. It may be that you are going to learn some lesson from each other and then go your separate ways.

What you need to do with all relationships, including those that have that instant and deep connection, is let it be. You need to allow all of life, including close relationships, flow and evolve. You need to let people be who they are, not what you want them to be. And above all, you must not try to control, push and prod, manipulate and orchestrate relationships.

Have the courage and the heart, the centeredness, to follow your own path, to be who you are and love being who you are, no matter what. Shine out and show us who you are, so that people who are looking for someone exactly like you can find you. Do not allow setbacks or even major betrayals to dampen your shine and your being.

In life's journey you will encounter much, narrow paths blocked by avalanches, forks in the road shrouded in fog, deep valleys of darkness and bright sunny days in meadows of golden poppies. It is all a part of life. And as you walk your path, other people will join you for a time: a dear friend, a lover, a spouse, children and parents. And then they may go away.

And through it all, the only constant is that you are you, that you have a core of truth within you and a path to walk, and if you allow your core of truth to tell you which fork in the road to take, if you allow that internal compass to tell you which mountain to climb, then you will do well indeed and have a fulfilling, interesting life. If you go chasing after others, trying to make things be other than how they naturally are, then you will find yourself suddenly awakening in a deep forest without knowing where to turn. You will find yourself lost and confused, because you have lost touch with your own personal truth.

When this happens, you must just sit down in the forest, become very still, and return to yourself. You must reach down and find yourself again before you continue walking, or else you will simply go around in circles, becoming more desperate and alone and lost.

You are everything you need to be, just as you are, right now. You are the center of your own life. You are the beacon that shines and shows the way. Be glad when others walk beside you, enjoy their company, connect as closely and deeply as you can, but always, always, shine your own light and walk your own path and allow them to do the same.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Humor's Healing Potential

by Brian Luke Seaward, PhD

In the past three decades the medical world has begun to take more serious notice of the healing power of humor and the positive emotions associated with it. Humor and laughter are currently being employed by psychotherapist....s and other care givers as tools to promote and maintain health, as well as intervention and rehabilitation tools for a host of maladies and illnesses related to stress and life-style.

Although this empirical medical approach is relatively new, the study of humor has revealed a complex psychological phenomenon. Senses of humor have been categorized in types associated with personality. Humor has many styles and can be found in almost any situation, on any occasion. Theories of humor include the superiority theory, the incongruity theory, the release/relief theory, and the divinity theory.

Laughter has many clinical benefits, promoting beneficial physiological changes and an overall sense of well-being. Humor even has long-term effects that strengthen the effectiveness of the immune system.

In healthcare, humor therapy can help relieve stress associated with disease and illness. It serves as a diversionary tactic, a therapeutic tool for disorders such as depression, and a coping mechanism. It also is a natural healing component for care givers trying to cope with the stress and personal demands of their occupations.

Feelings are chemical, they can kill or cure. --Bernie Siegel, MD

For centuries people have said that laughter is the best medicine, but until recently this fact remained scientifically unproven. However, since 1964, when Norman Cousins incorporated humor therapy in his treatment of ankylosing spondylitis,....the medical world has begun to take more serious notice of the healing power of humor and the positive emotions associated with it.

The relationship between stress (negative emotions) and disease and illness has proven to be profound, with approximately 70 percent to 90 percent of disease and illness strongly associated with stress. Cousins’s premise and subsequent health philosophy was this: "If negative thoughts can have negative physiological repercussions, can positive thoughts produce positive effects throughout the body?" This hypothesis planted seeds for the development of a new medical discipline, psychoneuroimmu....nology, the study of the mind-body relationship.

Humor and laughter are currently being employed as tools to promote and maintain health everywhere, from the classroom to the boardroom. In addition to its use in preventive medicine, humor also has a role as an intervention and rehabilitation tool in the clinical setting for a host of maladies and illnesses related to stress and life-style. Although alone it is no replacement for clinical medicine, humor’s supplementary use is now recognized as a powerful aid for both patients and healthcare professionals.


Many a truth be told in jest. --Geoffrey Chaucer

Even in the biblical days, humor was considered a tool of therapeutic medicine: "A merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit drieth bones" (Prv 17:22). Greeks included shades of humor in their dramas, with comedy balancing the theatrical scale with tragedy.

The Latin origin of the word "humor" means fluid or moisture. According to medieval physiology, the body hosted four primary humors, each associated with a mood: choler, anger; bile, melancholy; blood, confidence; and phlegm, apathy. An excess of any one of these humors brought on poor health and often ridicule, whereas a correct balance was indicative of "good humor," or health.

Some cultures used humor and laughter to lift spirits and promote health, employing individuals like the European court jesters or Native American shamans. However, humor was not always thought of as good for one’s health. Some cultures associated laughter with the work of the devil. In Puritan times, laughter was considered a moral sin, regardless of the occasion, and even smiling was prohibited.


A smile is the shortest distance between two people. --Victor Borge

Although this empirical medical approach is relatively new, the study of humor has revealed a complex psychological phenomenon. Like love, humor has proven difficult to define, with no consensus among scholars. Suffice it to say, humor is the quality of being funny or appreciating funny thoughts or acts, manifesting in smiling or laughter.

With rare exceptions, everyone has and demonstrates a sense of humor. In fact, senses of humor have been categorized into types associated with personality, including "good sport" (laughter at one’s own expense), conventional (eye-to-eye humor, where two or more people laugh at the same thing), creative (imaginative wit), and "life of the party" (an extrovert who makes people laugh).

People have always been curious about what causes laughter, from the incongruous to the ironic. Moreover, humor has many styles, including slapstick, black (gallows) humor, parody, satire, and the lowest form of humor, sarcasm (which literally means to tear flesh). Humor, it seems, can be found in almost any situation, on any occasion. For example, Bernie Siegel writes that once, while performing surgery for a cancerous tumor, he heard Frank Sinatra’s voice on the radio crooning, "Why Not Take All of Me?"

Paralleling the four components of wellness-....-mind, body, spirit, and emotions--are four theories of humor, suggesting that humor is an important factor in the integrity of the wellness paradigm. The oldest theory of why people laugh is the "superiority theory," an emotion-based theory credited to Plato. It suggests that laughter is a socially acceptable outlet for aggression, where laughter at someone else’s expense elevates one’s own self-esteem (e.g., Dan Quayle jokes).

A more recent theory is the incongruity theory, a cognition-....based theory that laughter is triggered by the connection of two or more concepts that seem absurd or incongruous-....-for example, years ago Charlie Chaplin entered a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest and got third place. Research indicates that stroke victims with right-sided brain damage are unable to laugh at cognitive-....based jokes, supporting the theory that humor is a right-brain cognitive function.

Sigmund Freud, in his study of laughter, suggested the release/relief theory, explaining that laughter is a physical manifestation of repressed thoughts of taboos such as sex and death. This theory may account for the continued popularity of sexual jokes.

Finally, the newest theory on humor is the so-called divinity theory. It suggests that humor has the ability to make order out of chaos, promote unity and connectedness through shared laughter, uncover the naked truth of a situation, and lift one’s spirit. In essence, the theory goes, humor is a gift from God.

Although humor is classified as a perception rather than an emotion, it can produce many positive emotions, including joy, mirth, hope, confidence, and an overall sense of well-being. It is this expression of emotions which has healing potential. Humor can serve as a positive coping strategy, often used to diffuse feelings of anger or impatience by acknowledging the absurdity of the threat to the ego. Likewise, humor can be used to dispel fear, including fear of the unknown, fear of death, and fear of failure, by providing a perspective and clearer focus on the situation. Humor is often used to communicate these feelings to oneself and others by diminishing the stress in an acceptable way. In many ways, humor is a universal language.


Laughter, like a virus, is contagious. --Art Buchwald

Physiological research in the field of humor and laughter has uncovered amazing results, suggesting that, indeed, laughter has many clinical benefits. In the short term, laughter promotes many physiological changes; most notably, it stabilizes blood pressure, massages inner organs, stimulates circulation, facilitates digestion, increases oxygen supply to muscles, decreases muscle tension, and promotes an overall sense of well-being. In fact, laughter produces similar, if not identical, responses to those associated with progressive muscular relaxation, a widely recognized relaxation technique used to reduce muscle tension.

In addition, tears produced by laughter differ from those produced by sadness and depression in that they contain toxins the body tries to release through the laughter response. The most remarkable effect laughter may produce is the release of neuropeptides, including the beta endorphine, which act as pain reducers. Cousins, in his now famous testimony, said that ten minutes of laughter gave him two hours of pain-free sleep during his recovery.

Perhaps most interesting are the long-term effects of laughter and the positive emotions that accompany it. Current evidence indicates that cells associated with the immune system (the lymphatic system) are activated through a complex mind-body feedback mechanism. Stress-....produced emotions trigger the release of cortisol and aldosterone, which in substantial amounts may actually decrease the T-lymphocyte cell count, thereby impairing the immune response. Conversely, positive thoughts and feelings increase the effectiveness of the T-cells and, hence, strengthen the ability of the immune system to operate against illnesses from common colds to cancer.

Thus laughter and positive emotions, including joy, love, faith, hope, confidence, and will, contribute to the strength and integrity of the immune system. Although researchers have yet to identify an intensity-........frequency-....duration formula for the exposure to laughter as with physical exercise, conventional wisdom suggests that daily encounters with humor are beneficial to total well-being.


Humor is mankind’s greatest blessing. --Mark Twain

Comic relief, now widely viewed as a viable preventive technique for coping with stress, is also being used in many clinical settings as a supplemental tool in the healing and recovery process for everyone from alcoholics to cancer patients.

The difference between clinical medicine and humor therapy is most notably found in their application. Whereas clinical medicine is prescribed by a physician and administered by healthcare givers, the use of humor therapy is often more subtle and much less formal. Comic relief arises from the ironies and incongruities acknowledged in everyday life, experiences in which inhibitions are suppressed, allowing a natural flow of emotions. Healthcare givers must be extremely sensitive to the patient’s needs and moods and not force this mode of therapy. Instead, they should take advantage of opportunities initiated by patients to help relieve stress associated with disease and illness.

Humor provides several ways in which it can help patients in healthcare facilities or clinical therapy.


In many ways the hospital setting is the antithesis of the home environment. Illness and death often cast a shadow of intense seriousness, interfering with the expression of the full range of emotions. Experts suggest that on average a person laughs approximately 15 times a day. In the hospital, however, this number can drop to zero.

Several hospitals across the country, particularly those with oncology wards, are developing humor programs for their patients. These offer rooms with videocassette recorders and compact disc players, in-house humor cable channels, library shelves filled with humorous books, and movable humor carts with a host of resources to promote laughter. Clinical staff note that the primary benefit of humor therapy is it serves as a diversionary tactic, taking patients’ minds off their illness and related moods of depression, thus promoting a balanced expression of emotions.


Psychotherapist....s have discovered humor as an aid in the treatment of several clinical disorders, most notably depression. Although opinions are divided on this issue, humor has been reported to strengthen the bond between client and therapist in the treatment process, increasing the progress toward recovery. Currently, humor is used as both an assessment tool, to help the therapist learn what topics the client wishes to discuss, and as a therapeutic tool, to help dissolve psychological defenses inhibiting recovery.


Both anger and fear surface in the fight against life-....threatening illnesses such as cancer, and care givers can use humor to help patients control these emotions rather than becoming the victim of them, as described by comedian Gilda Radner during her visits to the wellness community. Similarly, in the rehabilitation of persons recovering from substance addictions, humor can help them express negative emotions in a positive light, thus relieving feelings of despair and helplessness. Many addictions are related to low self-esteem. Although humor does not necessarily build self-esteem, the ability to laugh at oneself can be a crucial transition in the basic stages of recovery.

Humor therapy in this context is generated by the patient, not the therapist. It is important to distinguish between laughing with a patient and laughing at a patient. Care givers also need to be cautious about--or even refrain from--using sarcasm, since it may be a direct reflection of latent anger. Sarcasm is an inappropriate form of humor in healthcare because it may promote stress rather than reduce it. On the other hand, positive humor can provide ammunition to deal with stress and the emotions surrounding it: anger and fear.


Comic relief is a natural healing component not only for patients, but also for care givers. In her book Humor and the Health Professional, Vera Robinson cites the need for healthcare professionals to incorporate humor into their lives to cope with the stress and personal demands of their occupations.25 Humor helps balance the scale of emotions in a hospital setting where morbidity and mortality often cast a dark shadow. Although professionalism.... is expected in the healthcare industry, an absence of humor is now viewed as unprofessional,.... supporting the trend to take one’s job seriously, but oneself lightly.

The use of humor therapy on the oncology ward of Shady Grove Adventist Hospital, Rockville, MD, resulted in a significant decrease in employee burnout and attrition for nurses in that ward over a two-year period.26 Professionals can integrate humor into their life-style by making a point to find one humorous thing a day, laughing at themselves, recognizing moments of fallibility, exaggerating events to the point of ridiculousness,.... looking for life’s ironies, and starting a "tickler notebook"--a collection of cartoons and jokes.27 This is particularly important for the healthcare professional working with AIDS patients or others facing death, as physicians and nurses often transfer their somber emotions to their patients. It is important to balance the workday with supplemental activities that add joy to life.


It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.

--Tom Robbins

Science is beginning to prove what many people have known all along: that, indeed, laughter is good medicine. Humor and laughter enhance positive feelings and emotions to balance the preponderance of negative emotions that surface during stressful times. Humor and laughter appear to have many healing qualities. The introduction of humor therapy and comic relief programs in many clinical settings as a rehabilitation tool, and in work settings as a prevention tool, reveals the strong mind-body connection associated with humor, which can promote well-being for patients and care givers alike.

Here's To The Crazy Ones And I'm One Of Them

By Allen L Roland

" My aim in my life is to make pictures and drawings, as many and as well as I can; then at the end of my life, I hope to pass away, looking back with love and tender regret, and thinking, "Oh, the pictures I might have made!" ~ Letter to Theo van Gogh from Vincent, November 19, 1883

I've always been crazy enough to live my dreams and I'm still doing it. I've always said YES to myself and not allowed myself to be controlled by fear. Now I'm living my ultimate dream of sharing and celebrating my thoughts and feelings as a writer and therapist ~ and making a difference in the process: Allen L Roland

I've always wanted to make a difference, to share my truth and have it hit a chord that resonates with others .

I've always wanted to just be myself, as outrageous as that

might be, and know that it was enough !

I've always wanted to fly and I became a Navy fighter pilot and lived that dream.
I've always wanted to write from my heart, whether poetry
or prose, and have it resonate with other hearts.

I've always lived on the edge and been a little crazy in living

my dreams ~ completely trusting myself ~ and now I am so

happy I found the courage to do that and to continue to sing
my song.

The robin doesn't sing because its happy ~

It's happy because it sings !

I borrowed the following words from Apple Computer's website years ago and decided to share it along with some of my own thoughts. I think it is absolutely appropriate for this moment when so many external things have been taken away from us and we being forced to go inside ourselves.

The title is "Here's to the Crazy Ones"

Here's to the crazy ones.

The misfits.

The rebels.

The troublemakers.

The round pegs in the square holes.

The ones who see things differently.

They're not fond of rules.

And they have no respect for the status quo.

You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.

About the only thing you can't do is ignore them.

Because they change things.

They invent. They imagine. They heal.

They explore. They create. They inspire.

They push the human race forward.

Maybe they have to be crazy.

How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of

Or sit in silence and hear a song that's never been written?

Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?

Or, in my case, see a touching photo and make a story out of it that will touch millions. While some see them as the crazy ones, others see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world ~ are quite often the ones who do.

And all they really did was say YES to themselves and not be controlled by fear.

“Okay To Judge Others?”

by Dick Sutphen

From a karmic perspective, we know judgment is wrong. And yet our experiences put us in the position of making judgments. When these are expressed verbally, we preface our statements with, “I’m not judging him, but ...” as if that will make the judgment okay.

But the truth of the matter is, not all judgments are undesirable.


1. Judgments based upon your expectations.

2. Judgments which result in trying to change someone else.

3. Judgments generated by fear-based emotions.

These judgments echo your ideas of right and wrong and your desire to control.

Rising above judgment doesn’t mean you stop deciding what does and doesn’t work for you. There are only so many hours in each day and if you’re intelligent, you’ll spend what time you have efficiently and pleasurably. If I said, “I don’t want to spend time with Ralph, because I don’t enjoy his company,” you probably wouldn’t have a problem with the statement.

But if I said, “Ralph is a braggart who dominates every conversation,” you’d accuse me of being judgmental. But that’s why I don’t want to spend time with Ralph. I’m not judging him to be wrong for being a braggart, but I know it’s wrong for me to spend time with him. I don’t expect him to be anything other than what he is, and I have no desire to change him.

The metaphysical ideal is to accept other human beings as they are without judgments, expectations, blame, or attempting to control. With this understanding of judgment, the goal of unconditional acceptance is a little more realistic. Even Ralph can qualify.

Mere Feelings

by Shen Shi'an

When life is wonderful, harmonious, it is easy for everyone to be "good people." The challenges come when the environment changes. When times are bad, can you still be as "good?"

When my colleague was away, I suddenly had tons of work to do... When others could not rush out the things I asked them to do in time, I easily lost control of my temper. But when I recognized how it was hurting me (my head swelled, and hot air gushed up my throat), I stopped, took a few deep breaths and told myself that this is just part of learning the uselessness and harm of anger.

With this thought, I felt much better. That night, after much thought, I realized that our feelings fluctuate a lot easily when the environment changes. Only now do I really see how true the Buddha's teaching is about non-self and impermanence -- everything physical and mental is in constant change. So much so, that there is no fixed self in anything. No feelings are for real because they change all the time. We express our emotions in the heat of the moment because our feelings of enragement feel so "real" and justified just then. Pause a few seconds in the light of mindfulness and you might see the anger dissipate as quickly as it appeared. Never let feelings control us; we should learn to control our feelings. Rashness leads to lots of negative karma!

Being not attached to any feeling (good or bad) and you literally set yourself free from all emotional bondage! So, next time when you feel bad, see the feeling as just another feeling and let it go. You don't have to suppress or express your feelings. Just let them be and respond appropriately as the situation warrants.
Remember -- You can choose how you want to feel every second.

Return to Yourself


"ALL THAT IS" s' Name is holy, but no holier than yours. To call upon Its Name is but to call upon your own. A father gives his son his name, and thus identifies the son with him. His brothers share his name, and thus are they united in a bond to which they turn for their identity. Your Father’s Name reminds you who you are, even within a world that does not know; even though you have not remembered it. God’s Name can not be heard without response, nor said without an echo in the mind which calls you to remember.

Repeat ITs Name and you acknowledge IT as sole Creator of Reality. And you acknowledge also that you are a part of IT, creating in ITs Name. Repeat ITs Name and call upon your Self, Whose Name is yours. Repeat ITs Name and all the tiny, nameless things on earth slip into right perspective. Those who call upon the Name of God can not mistake the nameless for the Name, nor sin for grace, nor bodies for the holy Son of God.

Whether you choose to remember or not, you are God and God is You.

Sit silently and let God's Name become the all-............................encompassing idea which holds your mind completely. Let all thoughts be still except this One. And to all other thoughts respond with This, and see God’s Name replace the thousand little names you gave your thoughts, not realizing that there is One Name for all there is, and all that there will be.

Those who seek the light are merely covering their eyes. The light is in them now. Enlightenment is but a recognition, not a change at all. Light is not of the world, yet you who bear the light in you are alien here as well. The light came with you from your native home, and stayed with you because it is your own. It is the only thing you bring with you from the Source. It shines in you because it lights your home, and leads you back to where it came from and you are at home. You have never left.

This light can not be lost. Why wait to find it in the future, or believe it has been lost already or was never there? It can so easily be looked upon that arguments which prove it is not there become ridiculous. Who can deny the presence of what he beholds in him? It is not difficult to look within, for there all vision starts. There is no sight, be it of dreams or from a truer source, that is not but the shadow of the seen through inward vision. There perception starts and there it ends. It has no source but this.

The peace of God is shining in you now, and from your heart extends around the world. It pauses to caress each living thing, and leave a blessing with it which remains forever and forever. What it gives must be eternal. It removes all thoughts of the ephemeral and valueless. It brings renewal to all tired hearts, and lights all vision as it passes by. All of its gifts are given everyone, and everyone is united as one within the same source. The light within you is sufficient. It alone has power to give the gift of sight to you. Exclude the outer world, and let your thoughts fly to the peace within. And from that quiet place you shall remember that God, you and your brother are one.

A Tale of the Sands

by Idries Shah

A stream, from its source in far-off mountains, passing through every kind and description of countryside, at last reached the sands of the desert. Just as it had crossed every other barrier, the stream tried to cross this one, but it found that as fast as it ran into the sand, its waters disappeared.

It was convinced, however, that its destiny was to cross this desert, and yet there was no way. Now a hidden voice, coming from the desert itself, whispered: "The Wind crosses the desert, and so can the stream."

The stream objected that it was dashing itself against the sand, and only getting absorbed: that the wind could fly, and this was why it could cross a desert.

"By hurtling in your own accustomed way you cannot get across. You will either disappear or become a marsh. You must allow the wind to carry you over, to your destination."

"But how could this happen?"

"By allowing yourself to be absorbed in the wind."

This idea was not acceptable to the stream. After all, it had never been absorbed before. It did not want to lose its individuality. And, once having lost it, how was one to know that it could ever be regained?

"The wind," said the sand, "performs this function. It takes up water, carries it over the desert, and then lets it fall again. Falling as rain, the water again becomes a river."

"How can I know that this is true?"

"It is so, and if you do not believe it, you cannot become more than a quagmire, and even that could take many, many years; and it certainly is not the same as a stream."

"But can I not remain the same stream that I am today?"

"You cannot in either case remain so," the whisper said. "Your essential part is carried away and forms a stream again. You are called what you are even today because you do not know which part of you is the essential one."