Monday, August 17, 2009

The Soul Partnership

By Jennifer Hoffman

Love is where we are from and where we are going, it is a reminder of Home and the blessing that we bring with us in every lifetime. Our soul’s memory of the unconditional love of Creator is there to remind us that we are always guided, supported, worthy and powerful. But something happens when we arrive on earth and we forget everything that we know about love and our journey to reconnection becomes a quest for love. And instead of healing our separation from Source, which really means that we remember that we are not separated at all, we seek to heal by trying to find love on earth. And rather than simply reconnecting from within, to the soul’s memory of love, we do it from the ego and from a material perspective. Since each of us is on this path, we are doing the same thing, healing by looking for love. And our healing journey is painful, disconnected because we try to reconnect to Creator through every person and situation we encounter, hoping that one of them will remind us that we are loved.

From the moment of our incarnation, when we are a spark of light in our mother’s womb, we need love to survive on earth. A baby who is not loved will not grow into an emotionally healthy adult; children who are not loved are angry and resentful. Adults who are not loved are depressed and sad. No matter to what extent our physical needs are met, if we are not loved and do not experience love in our life, we are dissatisfied, unhappy and unfulfilled. Our need for love is so great that we will go from one unloving experience to another, hoping that the next one will be the one that allows us to reconnect with the love we so desperately want. And yet, in this quest we forget to turn to the one source that will remind us of the love that is there, the soul.

Our journey of separation is coming to an end as we are at the end of this human cycle but we must still resolve the issue of love, of being in the calm, knowing place of love beyond fear, acceptance beyond judgment, having faith in a love that we cannot see or touch in the physical realm. This love requires faith and trust, a willingness to know that it is there no matter what is happening in the world around us. And that requires a huge leap of faith in a world that appears to reflect hatred, violence, fear and at times a complete lack of love, we are all bound together by a love that is infinitely present, continuously available and so much a part of our being that we can take it for granted. This love is present all around us, from the air that we each breathe freely, which sustains our lives, to the presence of everything that we need to meet our physical needs. We are reminded that we can merely ask and our needs will be met and we can learn to do that with everything but when it comes to love we get stuck.

We relate spiritual love and human love and yet they are so different. Spiritual love is vibrational and energetic, human love is emotional and intellectual. Spiritual love is infinite and omnipresent. Human love is limited by so many different parameters and conditional. Spiritual love is timeless and everlasting. Human love is limited through change and death. Spiritual love exists multi-dimensionally and transcends all boundaries, it is our birthright and ours by divine right. Human love exists in specific times and places, with certain people and not with others, it has many names and many permutations, we feel lucky when we have it and are sad when it leaves. Human love is based in the ego and as we bring heaven to earth we will also bring spiritual love into our human experience.

All of us share the pain that comes with forgetting that more than being loved by Creator, we are each a divine spark of love that originated from our Source. Love is the energy of the Universe, the glue that connects all of creation. Without love there would be no light and no darkness, no universe and no connection; there would be no Source and no Home. In our journey we look for love but we never realize that we have it because if we did not we simply would not exist.

We try to find love in each other so that we can remember what love feels like, to be part of that lucky group that has a love connection, whether it is with family, friends, an intimate partner, a successful job or financial abundance. While we may think that we receive love through romance, our search for love encompasses every aspect of life where we can feel valued, appreciated and powerful. By expanding our definition of love we have a greater understanding of how much we need and want love and how much we are willing to do to find and keep it. And our happiness, fulfillment and success in our healing journey depends on whether we believe that we have the love that we seek.

In our outward facing search for love, where we look for love in the world, what we find is our fears about love mirrored back to us. When we look for validation of worthiness of love from others, we find our fears mirrored back to us. So instead of connecting with the person who can love us unconditionally, we find the person who is just as unsure, confused and afraid as we are. The still, small voice within reminds us that we are loved but we want proof, a physical reminder that there is someone in the world who will love us and then we will be able to connect with the love within. As we know, this is what creates the pain and suffering that we experience because our outer world is merely a reflection of what is happening within us. And yet, even with that knowledge, we still look for love everywhere else and ignore the one place where it exists, and that is within.

Can we find the love we need in others? That answer is simply “no”, not until we are willing to connect to our own internal wellspring of love can we find love in the world. Do we believe that love exists in a world that appears to be without love? Yes, but we have to be willing to give love before we get love. Are we willing to take a leap of faith and believe in the existence of love so we can bring this energy to the world? That is a question that we must each answer for ourselves. It is part of our journey of reconnection and we do not have to wait to return to our Source connection to be “in love”, nor do we have to wait for a magical intimate relationship with a romantic partner to know that love is available to us. We are love, we exist in, through and because of love and we always have all the love we need. When we are able to find and connect to our love within we will each become a source of love for ourselves and the world and then the love we want will be available to us.

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