Friday, July 31, 2009

Moving Forward

by Stefanie Miller

It seems that with the intense energies we have been facing the tendency has been to shut down our hearts as a protective, shielding defense mechanism. Many of us have been dealing with challenges on one level or another. We tend to go inward when we are not sure how to cope with the stress and anxiety of what is occurring. The further we distance ourselves the more alienated and removed we become from each other and ourselves.

These trying times are in essence an opportunity to face, deal with and resolve our core issues. We are working on many healing, balancing, clearing and re-evaluating issues all at once. We are dealing with issues on the physical level, such as career, finances, relationships, property, and health. On an emotional level we are resolving feelings, which prevented us from moving forward in our lives. Mentally we are clearing blocks from belief systems that have held us in limitation and need to be re-patterned.

As we work on so many levels at once it has left us depleted, exhausted and confused. So much of what we knew to be true has been cleared. This is not a bad thing at all. What is leaving really never served us in the first place. The part we may cling to is not knowing what will fill the missing places and spaces.

Trust - If we can sit tight a while longer and just be okay with the emptiness and trust all will be resolved. I think we become anxiety ridden and fearful when we are jumping into the void and really cannot pinpoint what is to come. We like to believe we are in control of our lives and our destiny. In some ways we are and in other ways Spirit is guiding us, along with our higher selves. Now is a time to trust unwaveringly and just be at peace with not knowing.

The divine masculine and feminine sides of our being are being balanced at this time. The divine masculine side has always been the do-er, the provider and the achiever. There is nothing wrong with this; it is quite productive and honorable. The divine feminine is the softer, gentler, nurturing side, the receiver. We obviously need both sides to be in balance in order for us to go out in the world and conquer and achieve, while also being in touch with our gentle nature and being able to accept love and assistance from others. This is not gender specific. Most of us have been unbalanced most our lives and we are learning to harmonize our yin and yang.

This harmonization affects how we interact within our relationships. Many of our relationships have been going through major upheavals as we learn to honor others and ourselves. The clearing we are undergoing is going to affect how we treat each other in relationship, whether it be romantic, in the workplace, toward our children and especially how we value and treat ourselves. For thus, if we are not gentle, kind and loving toward ourselves how can we truly have enough to give to others or know when we are being treated with respect and integrity by others.

The Expansion of Our Hearts - Our heart centers are going through a major expansion process at this time. Many of our challenges have prompted us to look at our lives and relationships and re-assess what our needs and desires truly are. Our losses and challenges have humbled us to a great degree. We have been living in way that has disconnected us from our hearts. Humanity truly needs this time in order to shake us up and make us realize what really matters.

We are being shaken to the core to have our heart centers busted wide open. It may be disorientating at first but as we learn to live from our heart we can truly be in balance and harmony within ourselves and with each other. The expression of love has been overlooked as we went out into the world to make our mark by earning money, achieving property and things, raising a family and identifying who we are through what we do.

The heart expansion we are undergoing is teaching us how to live heart centered lives. We are being shown that all this other stuff is an illusion. Love is the only thing that is real. All the other stuff will come to us once we truly know how to express love through giving and receiving. You may be feeling overwhelming bursts of love for the people in your life, for animals and nature, and all of humanity. You may be noticing a strengthening in your core as you come to acknowledge your own divinity and worth.

As we truly love ourselves unconditionally, honor and value our needs, and honestly know who we are, what we want and need, and how special we really are, we can freely give and receive to one another. This is the harmonization and balancing we are striving towards. This is the heart expansion that will show us how to live heart centered, love filled, balanced lives full of kindness, respect, and generosity of spirit.

Prayer - Sweet Spirit, I open my heart to the expansion of love within and around me. I let go of the pain of heartbreak and disappointment. I release the ways in which I have not shown enough love, kindness and respect to myself or others. Please guide me in the ways of truly honoring and valuing who I am and what my needs are. Show me ways in which I may open my heart to greater depths.

I allow love to enter and abide. I give freely the expression of love to all whom I encounter. Guide me in ways in which I may deeply express love to my romantic partner, child/ren, parents, family members, co-workers and to all of humanity. I wish to be in harmony and in balance with the positive forces of love, which I know will prevail in our world. May love envelope and surround me so I may bask in its warm rays. And so it is. Amen.

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