Friday, July 31, 2009

Finding Peace Amid the Chaos

by Janice Lynne Lundy

Don't you just love it when life throws you a curve? Just when you think you can rest on your laurels, or take a break from life's intensity, you are dealt another “something” to deal with. Today, more and more people are being asked to face what may seem like insurmountable challenges: a diagnosis of a serious illness, job loss, or a divorce, not to mention children who find themselves drowning in troublesome seas. Add any one of those to the fast pace of our lives, multitasking a myriad of roles and responsibilities, and we have a recipe for stress levels that can soar, taking us into the stratosphere of chaos.

Like many of you, I am fairly adept at the circus act we call life: juggling more balls than we can feasibly handle, all the while hoping that we are doing a decent job of it. It's when one more ball is thrown into our finely tuned balancing act, and we are asked to maintain the same rhythm and performance as before, that trouble sets in. For me, this manifested a few years back when I was feeling a bit under the weather, so I decided to pay my internist a visit. He gave me the surprising diagnosis of high blood pressure. This juggler had too many balls in the air and she was teetering, the balls were beginning to tumble to the ground all around her. What was I to do? Medication was a probable solution to my situation, but that would be addressing only the symptomatic part of the problem. This diagnosis felt to me like a wake-up call; a signal to find a sense of balance in my life so that I could return to a place of peace within me that had somehow disappeared.

How can we find peace amid the chaos? I believe in order to relieve our own stress, and make the changes necessary to have a life characterized by inner peace, we must, first and foremost, have a passion for creating it. We must want it, crave it, desire it so intensely that we are unwilling to settle for anything less. For most of us this desire comes only after we have hit rock bottom, like receiving an unwanted health diagnosis as I did, and we have nowhere else to go but up. The choice to have more peace in our lives is just that—a personal choice. Since my diagnosis of high blood pressure, I am choosing peace. How about you? Could you be hearing that call as well?

Allow me to offer my personal findings on creating inner peace amid personal chaos: Five important practices, which, if engaged regularly, can bring greater peace, no matter how out-of-control our lives may seem.


1. Take time for solitude. Solitude, spending time alone, brings precious gifts. When we can slow down, even stop, and take time for ourselves without interruption, our thoughts can become clear. We are better able to tap into our personal reservoir of insight—“knowings”—that can emerge only in blessed silence. When our mind is overly busy with trying to figure out solutions to our problems, the innate wisdom we possess may have a difficult time breaking through. In solitude, clarity can come, along with the answers we seek, all without exhausting mental struggle. Solitude also provides much needed moments of sacred rest; enabling our mind and body to be replenished for the hours and days ahead.

2. Breathe. A sense of personal peace can be found by paying attention to our breath. Sit, take a few minutes to focus on your breathing. Slowly count your inhales and your exhales. Breathe deeply with positive intention and you will discover that your attention shifts and slows. A sense of relaxed peacefulness may begin to wash over you. Because we can focus on only one thought at a time (and if that one thought is fixated on our breath), our thoughts cannot wander elsewhere into stressful nooks and crannies. A recommended pattern of breathing for relaxation is 8 inhales to every 10 exhales. Relaxation actually comes with the out-breath, so more of those are desirable.

3. Get up and move. Exercise, movement in any form, allows the body to release pent-up emotion and tension. Robert Gerzon shares in his book, Finding Serenity in the Age of Anxiety, how stress stores itself in our cells and how movement can release it. When we are feeling overwhelmed, the most helpful thing might not be to sit still, trying to relax, but to get up and move instead. Our body’s wisdom may guide us toward mobility to free itself of anxiousness; physical exertion does help restore equanimity. Movement brings not only newfound energy, but serves as a wonderful release valve for an overtaxed body/mind.

4. Express yourself. Many of us handle stress by holding it all inside. This can create an energetic circuit of obsessive thoughts, over-worry, even emotional paralysis. It is important for us to release what ails us. Find a good friend to talk to. If no one is available to take your call for support, then give yourself support by writing your thoughts down on paper. Writing, for me, has been a powerful release tool. In a world that moves too quickly to listen, writing allows me to speak my truth. As ink flows, the paper accepts my words and absorbs them. I have been heard. Artistic expression is another way to set our emotions and worries free. My friend, Pegg, uses a large roll of newsprint and markers, and when she feels the need for relief, she draws (scribbles) her heart out on long lengths of paper. She assures me it works wonders!

5. Engage in diversions. Who says stress must be a full-time occupation? Diversion is a wonderful way to remove yourself from the intensity of any situation and grant yourself moments of peace. Even when things might seem intense, engaging in another, non-related activity can re-center us and nourish our spirit. I recall when my father was in the hospital for high-risk heart surgery a few years ago. It would have been easy to become overwrought by the duress of the moment with many hours spent by his bedside. It was amazing how restorative a quick walk or a lovely meal in a nearby restaurant could be. Getting out enabled me to "get up” again, and operate from a more balanced and peaceful frame of mind.

Each of the above suggestions, once implemented, can bring us to a place of greater peace within ourselves, even when outside circumstances may not seem to support doing so. Inner peace is a choice. It is not a gift bestowed upon us from above. Inner peace is a state of mind, body, and heart in a world that will always throw us curves—especially when we least expect them. It is up to us to be prepared for their inevitable arrival. Mary Manin Morrissey writes in Life Keys, "We can rest in the exquisite knowledge that the place of peace, the center of the hurricane, is available to us in every moment." Yes, inner peace is a matter of intention and choice, and I, for one, vow to make it more prominent in my life. Would you care to join me?

The Law of Intention and Desire

by Deepak Chopra

Intentions are the seeds of consciousness, or spirit. They have infinite organizing power and orchestrate everything that manifests in the universe. Like real seeds, intentions can’t grow if you hold on to them. Letting go is planting them in the depths of your consciousness. It is there that they get the nourishment and support to grow and develop. The Law of Intention and Desire lays out the five steps for cultivating and fulfilling your intentions with effortless ease:

1. Center yourself in restful awareness. This means entering the gap or the silent space between thoughts – that boundless, eternal field that is your essential Being. The most powerful way to enter the silence is through a regular meditation practice.

2. When you are established in restful awareness, release your intentions and desires. Make a list of your goals and look at it before you start your meditation. You are releasing your intentions into the fertile ground of pure potentiality, and they will bloom when the season is right. You don’t want to dig up the seeds to see if they are growing, or get attached to the way that they come forth. Simply release your intentions into the gap.

3. Remain centered in your awareness of your true Self and your connection to the field of pure potentiality. Refuse to be influenced by other people’s doubts or criticisms. Your true Self knows that everything is all right and will be all right, even without knowing the timing or the details of what will happen.

4. Let go of your attachment to the outcome. Relinquish your rigid attachment to a specific result and live in the wisdom of uncertainty. Attachment is based on fear and insecurity, while detachment is based on the unquestioning belief in the power of your true Self. Enjoy every moment of your life, even if you don’t know the outcome.

5. Let the universe handle the details. Your focused intentions set the infinite organizing power of the universe in motion. Trust that infinite organizing power to orchestrate the complete fulfillment of your desires.

Finally, I offer you these beautiful words from the Vedic seer:

“I am the immeasurable potential of all that was, is, and will be, and my desires are like seeds left in the ground: they wait for the right season and then spontaneously manifest into beautiful flowers and mighty trees, into enchanted gardens and majestic forests.”

True Spiritual Guidance

by Mashubi Rochell

What is spiritual guidance? How can I find my own source of inner guidance? How do I know when my intuition is true? When do I listen to the spiritual guidance of other people? These are the kinds of questions that emerge when we begin to seek to develop our inner spiritual guidance.

Inner wisdom is an inborn and natural gift, given to us by God in order to facilitate the connection between our soul and our embodied self. Often our intuition is operating in our lives on a daily basis, without our even knowing it!

The practice of regular prayer or meditation can help us to re-connect with your own inner source of spiritual guidance. Additionally, it can be helpful to access the wisdom of spiritual teachers or spiritual guides who can help us to re-connect with our own source of inner wisdom.

This is not always as simple a process as it may seem, for spiritual guidance can be distorted by inner blockages or pain that we carry. It takes a while to develop the capacity for discernment.

How to Recognize Spiritual Guidance

One of my spiritual mentors used to say that inner wisdom and intuition speaks quietly, with the voice of Love and warmth, and will repeat itself as often as necessary. Inner wisdom often comes with a feeling of "rightness" and a feeling of love, warmth, comfort and even joy.

We all contain within us a spark of God's light and love in our hearts, that is able to perceive divine love and truth. In today's secular world, many times this part of us gets covered over by social conditioning.

How to Develop Discernment

When you are reading or listening to spiritual guidance offered by a channel, spiritual guide or teacher, always, notice how it feels to you. How do you feel in your body and your emotions? The presence of God's love and Light has a certain vibration that can be felt.

Inner guidance that encourages you to harm others, or yourself, or that encourages you to focus hatred or negativity towards other people is a distortion and is not clear spiritual guidance, because is it not aligned with God's love.

Guidance is intended to help you to open your own source of inner wisdom. Some language and concepts that are used to share inner guidance may be unfamiliar to you, or may differ from your own experiences or spiritual beliefs. That's OK, the important thing is to receive what information or energy is helpful for you, and to let go of what is not helpful.

How To Connect With Your Guidance

It is very important that you never accept blindly what any minister, priest, rabbi, spiritual healer, channel or any other spiritual guide says.

Always receive spiritual guidance through your own inner "truth meter". Your heart knows what truth is, what love is, and what light is. Ask yourself what about this feels true? What do I resonate with? What does not feel true for me?

We are taught from an early age to override our natural inner wisdom, so if you have difficulty connecting with your own inner truth, make a commitment to sit quietly for 15 minutes in meditation each day.

You can use any meditation technique that works for you, or you can simply sit quietly placing your hand on your heart, and focus attention on your breath and on being in the present moment.

Whenever the mind strays, or wanders into obsessive thinking, simply notice this, and bring your attention back to your breath, and to the present moment. Free yourself from judgment, as the mind tends to be very active and you will find yourself bringing yourself back to your breath many, many times.

A meditation practice like this can truly transform your life and your consciousness. It is simple and profound, and will reconnect you with your own spiritual guidance. The goal of any form of true spiritual guidance that comes from another to you, is to help you reconnect with God and with your own Spirit.

Exploring Inner Space

By Gwen Randall-Young

"The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach." - Carl Jung

The experience that is our life occurs in the context of a huge macrocosm composed of endless space filled with numberless universes, upon the little blue dot we call home. The experience itself, however, occurs completely within us: within our own vast, endless inner universe.

This inner universe is created through our senses, perceptions, and beliefs. It occurs within the conscious mind, which is fuelled by the external world, but also by the world of our unconscious, our dream world, our imaginings and the archetypes of our species.

Our inner universe is unique to us. While it may share common elements with others, it is a one-of-a-kind event that is continually evolving-creating and recreating itself with every stimulus, both internal and external.

Exploring that world can be mystifying, enlightening, often spiritual, but can also be very lonely. There is only one inhabitant in that world. Perhaps that is why some find self-exploration or meditation to be uncomfortable. Television, computers, work or a busy social life can save one from stepping off the edge into that unfamiliar abyss.

We cannot really avoid it completely, however. It is there always in the background of our consciousness while we are busy thinking the external world is the most real part of our experience. The external is where ego hangs out, and for ego that is center stage. It is all there is.

To experience our soul, we must go within. Once inner space becomes familiar, it ceases to feel strange and instead becomes like a nurturing womb. Instead of feeling disconnected, we discover a connectedness that transcends anything ego has known. As we immerse ourselves in inner space, any sense of separateness disappears.

As we go deeper, we discover a kind of portal which connects our inner space to all that is-to the vastness of the eternal. It then seems curious that we had the illusion of separation.

The reason for the confusion is this: imagine drawing a circle on a page. The line forming the circle is all that separates the inside from the rest of what is there. Remove the line, and it all becomes one. In our case, it is ego which forms the line between inner and outer. Ego is at the interface, and allows us to connect with the outside world. Ego does have some useful functions-it is not bad, just limiting.

However, when we identify with ego, then that separation seems real. When we transcend ego, everything changes. There is no more in here/out there. We are no longer interested in polarity, or taking sides. We still function in the world, but we no longer take things personally. We become more interested in understanding; in seeing the big picture.

We more often find ourselves functioning like an observer, noticing what is happening, but viewing it from a perspective of wisdom. We no longer feel a need to take sides or to be right. Instead, we are more likely to mediate or facilitate. Our focus is more on finding solutions, and honoring all who are involved.

We also release our need to control things. We still may have desires and goals, but we recognize that we are co-creating with the universe, so anything may happen. Whatever does happen is undoubtedly for our highest good, although ego often might argue with that! We develop the ability to know when to take action, and when to simply surrender and flow. We do not worry, because we trust the process of life.

Since we no longer take things personally, and are not as attached to outcomes as we once were, all of our relationships and dealings with others seem easier and more effortless. It is not that suddenly everything magically flows, it is just that now we know how to flow. Ego may still try to get us agitated, but we are now aligned with soul, and soul just wants to enjoy the journey.

The Eight Powers


This is the power to provide comfort where no comfort exists. Its foundation is a constant connection with my inner truth and an openness & regard for others. To accommodate does not mean to compromise. I maintain my integrity and the integrity of others with my commitment to truth, and faith in myself.

The Power to ACCOMMODATE requires a deep understanding and acceptance of myself - the ability to nurture myself so that I can provide what is needed in any situation. With this power, I experience a deep contentment that is impervious to the events around me.


This is the power of the intellect, the divine intellect. It is the art of consulting the most elevated self to understand the knowledge of truth and falsehood, right and wrong, reality and illusion, benefit and loss.

The Power to KNOW is the ability to discern accurately – the power of clarity that allows me to choose the best course of action. I see beyond the present moment to the future implications of any choice I make – I know longer react! It requires that I trust my highest self, even in the face of opposing opinions, and listen to what is known deep within.


This is the power of truth, the power to choose truth, to stand alone in that truth no matter what. It is intrinsically connected to the Power to KNOW and takes much of its clarity from that power. I can often know the best course of action, can be absolutely certain, but without the Power to DECIDE, I am unable to follow that knowing.

This power requires me to be completely free from any attachment to the outcome of my decision. I must make the decision , follow through but not be concerned about the result. Any expectations or investment of myself in the result can create worry, doubt, confusion and, ultimately disappointment. I must also understand that whatever decision I make is destined and accurate – I will always learn and benefit from it.


The main attributes of this power are courage and honesty. The Power to FACE means that nothing is too fearsome to handle, that I am equipped with all the powers I need to face whatever comes – fear or overwhelming emotion, lack of self worth, attack or denigration by others; situations that seem impossible, insurmountable.

This power is not to be cajoled or negotiated with. I will not accept illusion or falsehood, ego, greed, lust attachment, jealousy or anger in myself, and I will not support it in others. Balanced with the Power to LOVE, I treat myself with compassion and understanding, but I will not tolerate self deception as it devalues me.


In many ways the Power to CO-OPERATE is the culmination of all the powers. It requires me to be free from vice – ego, jealousy/envy, attachment, lust, anger, greed – from anything that would stop me from being an instrument for a task.

When I am detached, my sense of knowing accurately what is needed, my ability to be flexible and adjust to all situations and types of people, enables me to be benevolent.

To fully realize this power I must be full to the point of overflowing and beyond any need to be praised or acknowledged. I am solid in my self respect and completely content. I give freely and unconditionally.. from a state of fullness.


The Power to WITHDRAW is about perspective. It gives clarity and coolness, as well as the ability to change a situation. To withdraw is to detach or step back from whatever the current situation is – feelings, emotions, confusion, interaction – whatever my potential reactions might be.

It is the power to become the pure point of consciousness, the real self – the being who plays the character. I detach from the scene, from the role I am playing, from the body I inhabit. It does not require me to leave the world. I remain in the world but beyond its influence – connected and true to myself.

This is the power to cut away everything that is destructive, useless and wasteful. It is the Power to LET GO of all and hold nothing of the past in my heart, nor anything pointless of the future in my mind. It is the strength to say ‘no’ to negativity.

Letting go requires courage, forgiveness, trust and purity. It means my life starts anew from this point onwards, and its foundation is Truth. When I let go of all limitations of identity, and all the expectations I have of myself based on what others/society expect, then I can have greater understanding and compassion for myself and others.


To love the self is the greatest need. When I truly love and accept myself, I become my own mother, tolerating the inconsistencies.., the failings, and seeing past all the limitations to love myself, the pure soul, completely.

We have been tricked into thinking we were loving or being loved, the illusion of love, be it neediness, sex, dependency, safety, fear, loneliness, etc. The Power to LOVE is the power to stand independently in the love of God and myself and be fulfilled – aware of my own worthiness. This is unconditional love and it requires that I be fearless.

How To Be A Friend

Author Unknown

Don't worry about knowing people

...just make yourself worth knowing.

When you ask how someone's doing

...wait to listen to the answer.

Anyone can give advice, but

a real friend will lend a helping hand.

Pick your friends

...but never pick them to pieces!

A good friend is one who keeps up with you

But never looks down on you.

Deal with the faults of your friends

as gently as if they were your own.

The reason a dog is everyone's friend

is that he wags his tail

and not his tongue.

Sensory Perception

by Marlene Buffa

Rich with sensory perception, our human experience allows us to take in and assimilate the world around us. Unlike the rainbow portraying the very basics of color schematics, the real world vibrates with a truly unlimited spectrum of possibilities. Not limited to merely seven colors, we bless our eyes for bringing to us a full-color array that changes with alterations of light and perspective. Similarly, we bless our Creator for showing us precious bits of digestible life, all the while we fully comprehend that more than we observe and understand exists in our grand gourmet of choices.

Our relationships with one another bring far greater depth and complexity than the limitations of sensory observation allow. Like the grand earth and all its vibrations, those around us –ourselves included – put forth a limited range of who we are, for others to see. Now, the two elements of the human equation – what truly exists compared to what our limitations allow us to perceive, and what we put forth for others to see, vs. their ability to see it – add a doubly variable basis for establishing, forming, and maintaining relationships with one another.

Who are you, really? Over the years, various psychological studies hypothesize we use about 10% of our total brain capacity. That, alone, astounds us by demonstrating we rarely dare to exert the other 90% of our capability. What comprises that inert 90%? Mystical, elusive and often fearful traits popularly bear the reputation of that unknown brain store. The notion of true genius rests in people demonstrating perhaps a larger percentage of brain usage. But what if genius had nothing to do with the filing cabinet of facts and figures, and more to do with connecting to spirit for intuition and understanding of that we do not see using merely the ten percent?

Additionally, we must also understand that like the limitations of the spectrum of sensory perception and the 10% of human brain usage, who we truly are as a physical being reflects a mere fraction of our true selves as a spiritual being. When we consider the wide range of non-physical experiences our soul carries forth, these bodies - or vehicles – merely experience the possibilities limited on the earth plane. As we ponder our spiritual existence, our mind stalls as the magnitude overwhelms us. Like gazing at billions of stars in countless galaxies, our limited awareness barely comprehends the full breadth of our spiritual truth.

Understanding the human limits - Like living within our means financially, we quickly learn that our human bodies constrain us in many ways. Subject to the limitations of the law of gravity, for instance, mankind overcame his avian desires by building airplanes and other modes of aviation. The myth of Daedalus and his son Icarus exemplifies failed attempts at human flight independently, at will.

Similarly, we understand the restrictions of spirit as captured into the human experience. Like seeing birds in flight and knowing that mobility is impossible for us, we get loving glimpses of spirit at work in our life, and believe that, too, eludes us. Thus far, technology sidesteps or never considers the spiritual or invisible component to our earthly experience, and therefore fails to account for the spiritual component at work in human lives each day.

Multiple ports of entry - The news media proves effective by using several modes of sensory input to convey a story. For thousands of years, the spoken word prevailed as the primary source of information from person to person, and generation to generation. Then, somewhere along the timeline, the written word emerged, lending a second component to communication. Ever since Gutenberg, the printed word reigned as the staple of information exchange. Five hundred years later (give or take), recorded audio began as Edison brought the phonograph to the general marketplace. From there, various regenerations of audio media integrated into our culture and now we enjoy personal systems, satellite television and more.

Researchers over the years learned that the impact of an intended message intensifies when the message is presented using more than one sensory receptor. That means that if you get your news on television, for example, you see it and hear it. Therefore, the news’ ability to reach you is greater, and your ability to receive and remember it, is greater, too. Add to the visual pictures, the scrolling bar along the bottom of major news channels, you engage in reading, watching pictures and colors and hearing. A triple whammy to hit your brain! As of yet, the transmission of smell, taste and touch is not possible, but when that occurs, the retention ratio will skyrocket! Think of the scratch-and-sniff ads in your favorite magazine. Why did they do that? It wasn’t effective enough to let you see and read about a perfume. Once you see, read and smell, presumably, you’re hooked!

The illusion of what we perceive - In high school, a wise teacher once told our class, "Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see." Looking back, I realize her direction not only addressed the unreliability of gossip and hearsay, or even the media for that matter, but also spoke to our interpretive abilities as limited by the human experience.

Not meaning to second guess or inspire doubt in what we believe we know for certain, let us remember keep a healthy perspective when taking in information of any sort. Spirit knows no limitation of any kind. Our higher self recognizes things on more than a physical, human level – it sees what Antoine de Saint ExupĂ©ry, says "is invisible to the eye." The spiritual connection within us, when trusted, acknowledges what is essential – whether or not our ability to perceive it exists. When our awareness of the illusions comes to light, our ability to thrive peacefully increases along with the connection to Spirit and the Infinite.

We are human beings struggling to move forward in a world with built-in perception restrictions. We are so much more than our human limitations! Remember what is essential to you, take a deep breath and trust that your higher self senses all and shows you the truth.

Moving Forward

by Stefanie Miller

It seems that with the intense energies we have been facing the tendency has been to shut down our hearts as a protective, shielding defense mechanism. Many of us have been dealing with challenges on one level or another. We tend to go inward when we are not sure how to cope with the stress and anxiety of what is occurring. The further we distance ourselves the more alienated and removed we become from each other and ourselves.

These trying times are in essence an opportunity to face, deal with and resolve our core issues. We are working on many healing, balancing, clearing and re-evaluating issues all at once. We are dealing with issues on the physical level, such as career, finances, relationships, property, and health. On an emotional level we are resolving feelings, which prevented us from moving forward in our lives. Mentally we are clearing blocks from belief systems that have held us in limitation and need to be re-patterned.

As we work on so many levels at once it has left us depleted, exhausted and confused. So much of what we knew to be true has been cleared. This is not a bad thing at all. What is leaving really never served us in the first place. The part we may cling to is not knowing what will fill the missing places and spaces.

Trust - If we can sit tight a while longer and just be okay with the emptiness and trust all will be resolved. I think we become anxiety ridden and fearful when we are jumping into the void and really cannot pinpoint what is to come. We like to believe we are in control of our lives and our destiny. In some ways we are and in other ways Spirit is guiding us, along with our higher selves. Now is a time to trust unwaveringly and just be at peace with not knowing.

The divine masculine and feminine sides of our being are being balanced at this time. The divine masculine side has always been the do-er, the provider and the achiever. There is nothing wrong with this; it is quite productive and honorable. The divine feminine is the softer, gentler, nurturing side, the receiver. We obviously need both sides to be in balance in order for us to go out in the world and conquer and achieve, while also being in touch with our gentle nature and being able to accept love and assistance from others. This is not gender specific. Most of us have been unbalanced most our lives and we are learning to harmonize our yin and yang.

This harmonization affects how we interact within our relationships. Many of our relationships have been going through major upheavals as we learn to honor others and ourselves. The clearing we are undergoing is going to affect how we treat each other in relationship, whether it be romantic, in the workplace, toward our children and especially how we value and treat ourselves. For thus, if we are not gentle, kind and loving toward ourselves how can we truly have enough to give to others or know when we are being treated with respect and integrity by others.

The Expansion of Our Hearts - Our heart centers are going through a major expansion process at this time. Many of our challenges have prompted us to look at our lives and relationships and re-assess what our needs and desires truly are. Our losses and challenges have humbled us to a great degree. We have been living in way that has disconnected us from our hearts. Humanity truly needs this time in order to shake us up and make us realize what really matters.

We are being shaken to the core to have our heart centers busted wide open. It may be disorientating at first but as we learn to live from our heart we can truly be in balance and harmony within ourselves and with each other. The expression of love has been overlooked as we went out into the world to make our mark by earning money, achieving property and things, raising a family and identifying who we are through what we do.

The heart expansion we are undergoing is teaching us how to live heart centered lives. We are being shown that all this other stuff is an illusion. Love is the only thing that is real. All the other stuff will come to us once we truly know how to express love through giving and receiving. You may be feeling overwhelming bursts of love for the people in your life, for animals and nature, and all of humanity. You may be noticing a strengthening in your core as you come to acknowledge your own divinity and worth.

As we truly love ourselves unconditionally, honor and value our needs, and honestly know who we are, what we want and need, and how special we really are, we can freely give and receive to one another. This is the harmonization and balancing we are striving towards. This is the heart expansion that will show us how to live heart centered, love filled, balanced lives full of kindness, respect, and generosity of spirit.

Prayer - Sweet Spirit, I open my heart to the expansion of love within and around me. I let go of the pain of heartbreak and disappointment. I release the ways in which I have not shown enough love, kindness and respect to myself or others. Please guide me in the ways of truly honoring and valuing who I am and what my needs are. Show me ways in which I may open my heart to greater depths.

I allow love to enter and abide. I give freely the expression of love to all whom I encounter. Guide me in ways in which I may deeply express love to my romantic partner, child/ren, parents, family members, co-workers and to all of humanity. I wish to be in harmony and in balance with the positive forces of love, which I know will prevail in our world. May love envelope and surround me so I may bask in its warm rays. And so it is. Amen.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Make Bad Memories More Enjoyable

by Jeff Cohen

After watching the film, “The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,” I suddenly became interested about a threshold point of our memory. It is the point where people just want to undergo a painful medical process, although currently impossible, of removing some parts of their memory just like what the lead actors of the movie did.

Sometimes, when the pain from our past resurfaces and becomes too unbearable, we sometimes desperately wish that some magical powers would be available for us to erase an event or a person from our lives. But since that is not feasible yet, it is wise for us to remember the following tips to make our memories more acceptable and enjoyable as we ponder and recollect.

1. See things from the positive perspective.
Unhappy events may be similar to ugly scars that we want to remove given the opportunity. But in life, there are things we just cannot do anything about, such as the miserable circumstances we may have experienced before. In that case, what we need is a healthy disposition to see these “ugly” scars as inspirations to persevere more in life.

Moreover, unfortunate events may even be utilized as means to bring out the best in people. For example, being away from your family for a long time may be an occurrence that is agonizing to recall. But we may see in it the opportunity to discover the sense of responsibility that we have during this lonely moment. Beyond this, we can adjust to new environments and develop our sense of confidence as we face challenges and conquer our problems.

2. Look at the bigger picture. Most of the time, if something bad happens, we are quick to put the blame on ourselves and conclude that the misfortune occurred because of our faults. However, that may not always be the case. For example, if a relationship turns sour, it is best to remember that it certainly takes two to tango or create a harmonious tie; and for all you know, you may have been keeping bad memories for something which is not a result of your actions alone.

Furthermore, looking at the bigger picture allows us to see the positive things that are overlooked because of the “ugly scars” created by the bad memories or failed instances found in our past.

3. Life need not be perfect. Remember this: no one is perfect. With this in mind, we may find it easier to deal with an ugly past. This will also give us the confidence to look back and recollect old images found in photo albums, or read letters from friends, even if these may send back loneliness to you.

Moreover, remembering this rule will absolutely help us face what has happened with no regrets. Regret makes people’s character bitter even with the blessings that they are receiving in life.

With these tips, we may realize that dealing with the past is a matter of acquiring the right attitude in looking back and still having a positive disposition.

Reclaiming a Life of Joy

by Melody Larson

The Path to Authenticity - Are you thirsty? Do you thirst for contentment, for meaning, for happiness, for healing, for empowerment, for belonging, for security, for success, for freedom, for purpose, for love? Why does this life seem to leave so many “so damn thirsty?” The answer is that we’ve planted ourselves upon camels in the desert when our home is in the sea. The desert is the home of the personality, but the sea is the home of the soul. We’re each here as an emissary of our soul and fulfilling our higher purpose is what transforms this desert life into a joyous oasis. To do it, we must stop serving the whims and wants of our egos and begin serving our deepest dreams.

It’s a process of self-transformation and that is never easy. It’s really a leap from lower to higher consciousness. We must delve into the dark places of our pain and fear and imbue them with light. We must leave the comforting world of complacency and conformity and, dry as it is, that world may be all many have ever known. It’s a journey inward, into Self, instead of outward into the world. It’s a journey of claiming the power within us instead of seeking our power externally. We must be willing to give up values and beliefs that no longer serve. We may even have to give up people, things, and experiences that no longer serve. It’s a journey of simplification, of sorting.

The way to an authentic life is choice. We’ve each been given feelings in order to communicate with our soul and to know if we’re on purpose or not: but we must choose to honor those feelings, to listen to them and to act on what they’re telling us. We’ve each been given a mind that allows us to create thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions: but we must choose the thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions that serve our highest good and discard those that limit us.

These inner feelings and higher thoughts will often conflict with the wants of our personality. The personality is concerned with being, doing, and having what society tells it to be, do and have. Choosing to listen to, and to trust, our own inner voice above all the racketing, demanding, power hungry, or even well-intentioned voices of others is what it means to live authentically. What does the path of authenticity look like? What are the landmarks? I have found six. Let’s explore each of them one by one.


Self-acceptance isn’t something to seek, but something to claim. Acceptance is an inner state of being, not something that happens as a result of external events. There’s nothing we need to become, nothing that needs to happen, in order for us to be happy with who we are. Acceptance is a choice and a recognition. Recognize that you’re a spiritual being having a human experience, and not the other way around. Recognize that you’re a body within a soul, and not the other way around. You are a whole and beautiful being, right now, just as you are! You are always growing and evolving and that evolutionary process is perfect.

Everything that has happened, that is happening, and that will happen is perfect. How can that be? All of it, all of it, is the path of purpose. All of life unfolds as it should. Even what we call ‘bad’ is part of the journey. Therefore, choose to accept life as it is now. Choose to accept your life as it is now. Life is now. It’s only and ever this moment. It’s only from a place of acceptance, honor, and cherishing that you can begin to hear your own soul’s voice. It’s speaking now, through the ordinary events of your daily life. But unless you take your focus off the past and off the future, you’ll never hear its guidance.

The joy that you seek is not the reward waiting for you at the end of this journey. It’s not something that belongs to your future. Joy doesn’t come when we’ve achieved our purpose—it’s what allows us to achieve it. Joy is the way! And the way to joy is acceptance.


Acceptance will not on its own lead to a more authentic life. We must also be willing to take responsibility. Responsibility is what empowers us to make changes instead of stagnating, instead of acquiescing. Responsibility is what converts our dissatisfaction. into self-determined action. When action is intentional rather than reactionary, we shape our future rather than letting people and circumstances shape it for us.

Do you blame others for the way your life has unfolded or is unfolding? Is it the fault of your childhood, or of your spouse, or of your boss, or of the current state of world affairs that you are not happy? Are you giving away your power by seeing yourself as a victim?

The fear of never being in control, of never knowing who or what is going to do something to us next, is a far greater fear than the fear we feel when we take a risk to change. It’s a fear that eats us up from the inside out. It’s a fear that steals our capacity for joy. To become empowered you have to take responsibility for yourself and for the way your life is going. No person or event can determine the shape of your life unless you allow it. You allow it when you choose the safety of powerlessness over the risk of self-determination. The only failure in life is not choosing for yourself how you’re going to live it. Just like acceptance, responsibility is a choice.

When we choose responsibility, a glorious thing happens. We reclaim power over our own lives. We begin to live more purposely rather than operating on auto-pilot. We begin to break old patterns of behavior and to challenge knee jerk reactions. We begin to notice when we’re thinking, feeling or doing something that is harmful to our self-esteem. We stop living life in half measures and it blooms in all its fullness and richness. Most importantly, we begin distinguishing our true desires and needs from the false ones that don’t really serve our higher good.


If you want to take responsibility for your life and get out from under the nagging weight of the victim’s fear, you have to do something that at first seems to go against everything we’ve been taught: you have to become selfish. You have to put your own needs and desires above everyone and everything precisely in order to serve everyone and everything. Selfishness in the highest sense of the word is about being yourself so fully that you can share yourself fully and beautifully with the world. When you dance with the Self joy becomes the primary rhythm of your life.

Simplification is the first step in becoming selfish. Without the time, energy, and freedom to devote to joy you’ll never fulfill your purpose, since joy is the way to find and express it. Joy has a very hard time flourishing in the weed-strewn soil of conformity. In order to become empowered and therefore lead a joyful life, you must pull out those weeds and make space for your soul desires to flourish. It involves ridding yourself of everything and everyone that doesn’t please you or serve you. When you’ve cleared a clean, fertile space in your life you can plant the seeds of your authenticity. You can stop wasting your life force on image making, material consumption, pleasing, and pretense and begin using your life force to cultivate your uniqueness, your genius, and your passion.

Choose to focus on internal rather than external validation. Internal validation means removing the social masks we’ve plastered to our psyches. It means giving up on image making in favor of Self-expansion. It’s exhausting to try to be all things to all people. We were never meant to apply our energy in this scattering way, but to concentrate our energy into the singular expansion of our own genuineness and uniqueness. When you give up the effort of trying to be what society says you should be, you make space for your true gifts and talents to emerge. And it is those gifts and talents that the world needs!


We can’t avoid our healing work. The only way to get past our pain is to go through it. There’s no way to connect with soul until we remove the guilt of being who we are.

To hate ourselves in any form is to blame the Universe for our very nature. That kind of irreverence is the polar opposite of gratitude for life! The soul knows only reverence for life. When we let go of any guilt, pain, anger, or unworthiness that we’re experiencing we open up the channel of effortless being. Universal Energy can flow through and we become the instruments of spirit we were meant to be.

Healing work is about confronting the habits, hurts, and fears that keep us living small, that keep the instrument that is our authentic Self from being played. This confrontation involves a journey to the underworld of the psyche in order to meet the Shadow. This term, coined by the psychologist Carl Jung, sounds dubious, dark, and dangerous; but it only remains so until we shine the light of consciousness upon it.

It helps to be less intimidated by your Shadow if you can understand its intentions. They’re never to harm you, but to protect you. As children we were vulnerable to many circumstances in life that were just too big for us to handle. In childhood, the Shadow was the Guardian, serving to shield us from life’s difficulties, locking away anything too traumatic for our undeveloped psyches to process. It kept our fears and hurts from overwhelming us and rendering us dysfunctional. It also stored away any ideas, talents, and dreams we had that were met with adult disapproval so they could be retrieved at a safer time.

The Guardian becomes the Shadow when we never go back to process all of those fears, hurts, and neglected gifts that it’s still storing away for us. We’re capable of handling all of it. We’re no longer vulnerable children. Once you are ready to face your Shadow, you’ll find that there is nothing there as horrible as you might have imagined. Facing your fears and hurts immediately reduces their power over you. It frees you from the coping mechanisms and avoidance strategies you’ve created that only stunt your growth and diminish the magnificence of your life.

When you allow the fullness of who you are to step into the light, healing happens. The need for escapism, cures, and self-destructive habits diminishes. You stop running and slow down enough to experience the beauty and wonder of living. Silence becomes a friend. In the stillness of self-love, a channel begins to open within you and the energy of your soul begins to flow forth. Then, to increase that flow, you have only to extend that self-love and self-compassion to the world.


Compassion is a profound human emotion. It’s the heart of The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Its literal meaning is “to feel with” or “to feel joined.” Compassion pulls us out of egocentrism, enabling us to experience oneness with another and with all things. This is another facet of authenticity. Authenticity means viewing the world from the soul’s perspective instead of from the limited perspective of the personality. Compassion removes the personality’s false gods of competition, morality and judgment from their thrones. It allows us an expanded view of the world. It lets us see the world as our soul sees it.

Compassion is more than sympathy, even more than empathy. Implicit in sympathy is pity. There’s an underlying assumption that others are helpless to heal themselves or to change their situation. Implicit in this pity is both fear and judgment. We wish to remain removed from another’s suffering. We ruminate in a fear that this could happen to us. We’re really putting ourselves at the center of the suffering and are not fully present to the other. Our energy is directed inward toward protection instead of outward.

Empathy is no better. We place ourselves in another’s shoes instead of extending a vision of the other being in different shoes entirely! We’re still at the center of the suffering and we are still judging the other as incapable. This also means that we’re judging ourselves as incapable. We’re removing the option of choice from life, both for others and for ourselves.

Compassion is the opposite of judgment. Compassion acknowledges the inner strength within each of us. It honors individual and collective choice. Without choice, we remain powerless. Without power, we remain at a distance from our soul. Until we close that distance we cannot fulfill our true purpose. Compassion, then, is about honoring another’s suffering. It’s also about recognizing that their suffering is their passage to growth. Compassion is a choice to view suffering as a universal experience. From this perspective, everything that happens in the world is based on choice and can be viewed from a place of love and trust in each soul’s experience.

When you remember that you’re a nonphysical being having a human experience and not the other way around, you can see all world events as harmless from that higher perspective. This expands the definition of compassion beyond honoring suffering. It’s honoring all experiences, even if they are not the experiences we would choose for others, or for ourselves. We stop trying to change the world and instead start loving it just as it is. This leads to surrender, the final milestone on the path of authenticity.


How can surrender possibly relate to authenticity? We’ve all heard the adage of surrendering to a higher power, of “letting go and letting God.” Wouldn’t this mean giving away our power? And isn’t authenticity about regaining that power instead of giving it away to something outside of ourselves? The key here is to realize that this higher power is not something outside of you, it is within you. You are God in the sense that you are an aspect of everything that God is. God is not some being that created the universe, God is the Universe.

Surrender, then, is not about helplessness and it is not about powerlessness. Surrender is about turning over the driver’s seat of your life to your soul--to the full, intelligent, powerful, creative being that is the true you. It’s about freeing yourself from the manic, reckless driving of your personality that keeps crashing you into one dissatisfying conundrum after another or that keeps speeding you right past all those lovely, magical roadside attractions in its effort to reach some destination that will once and for all bring satisfaction. That final destination doesn’t exist because we never arrive. We are ever-evolving beings!

The higher part of you knows how to create a life ride that is based on maximizing the pleasure of the journey. Life is calm, purposeful, and safe when your soul’s behind the wheel. It’s also exciting, passion-filled, and free! When you let your soul guide you, you surrender to the need to reach any destination, knowing that wherever you are in the moment is one of an infinite number of experiences.

To live authentically, we must surrender our personality’s limited, stubborn, cocky vision. Would you rather see the world from atop an anthill or from atop a mountain? Surrender gives us this broader perspective and allows us to make more informed, intelligent choices. When we allow our eyes to look further we discover more opportunities and options than we could ever have imagined if we’d remained at the anthill level of living, which is where the personality resides. Authenticity is about being a world maker, not a world dweller. Which path will you choose?

Have You Lost Your Passion?

by Jim Self

Over the last few months, many men and women have expressed to me a loss of passion; a deep tiredness and desire to "Let my life be over." These people are all very involved in their spiritual practice and their commitment to fulfill their purpose, yet they were ready to simply stop. What is going on? These are strong, certain people, using their tools, actively and successfully contributing to humanity in unique ways and involved in daily personal-development work.

Many of the mentors, leaders and teachers ("Spiritual Warriors" or "LightWorkers" some call themselves) are tiring of their work. The creative juice and passion that once raced through their veins and kept them moving is no longer there. Their work is wearing them down and many are ready to quit. Something is out of alignment here. If we are truly doing our work, happily on our path, we would be filled with energy, passion, light and enthusiasm. Right?

What is your job anyway? 
As this Great Shift into higher awareness occurs, you must distinguish between what is your job and what isn't. By diving head-first into this 3D game you have volunteered to contribute a very unique, specialized piece of the puzzle. The puzzle is called Adding to All-That-Is. Please notice the difference between "one piece of the puzzle" vs taking on the entire puzzle. The latter is a huge job; the former a bit more do-able. The heart surgen has a very specialized talent and doesn't even consider opening a general practice. A successful plumber recognizes her art and doesn't also try to become an electrician.

Unlike the specialized surgeon, however, many of us have been taking it ALL on. Whatever and whomever crosses our path, we engage with it - in the spirit of contribution and helping others. Your enthusiasm, your passion and drive to contribute have opened a door through which all people in need are passing and standing before you to be healed and helped. Perhaps your job entails just one area of focus, not everything you are asked to do. Perhaps also - you can say "no thank you" now and again. All of these broken, lost and wanting spirits are not a match to you. Every person and every issue isn't your job to help. It isn't possible to do It-All and remain happy and healthy and connected to Creator. None of us can do It-All and stay aligned with who we truly are. You came into 3D to contribute within only a very specific bandwidth. Within that bandwidth lies your purpose, your passion and your well being. Identifying and serving within that bandwidth is your job. That is your only job. 

Your bandwidth is one radio station playing clearly the music you love. Not all of the stations. Sure - two dozen stations broadcast to your home, but there is only one that is in true alignment with who you are. Maybe two. The jazz station and NPR. Not the Latino station or country or the hits from the 70's, Not Frank Sinatra or Christian broadcasting. Just jazz and NPR. The rest is noise. Perhaps you enjoyed those stations at one point, but now it is noisy. And that noise is wearing many people down because they are trying to tune into all the stations, all the time, all at once.

When you identify and focus only upon what pleases YOU, you will be happy and available to contribute your very best to the people and tasks within your bandwidth - allowing all the others to tune into a radio station that better matches their energy.

A Tool to Discern Your Bandwidth: Imagine a gauge (0-100) and ask yourself these questions as new and current projects and people step into your life. If the number that pops up isn't higher than 90, consider stepping away from it and therefore allowing more of what IS in alignment to enter your life. Just let the number pop up - no analyzing allowed.

1. How much fun is this project/person?
2. How good does this make me feeeeel in my body?
3. How aligned is this to my personal bandwidth, really? 

As you play with this tool, know that even if the person or project scores high today - that doesn't mean you must keep it in your life forever. These are most important times of Shift and transition. What is true today may not be true tomorrow. Allow yourself and your passion to evolve. You are big, not small. You are significant, not insignificant. You have a very important piece to play as the healer, teacher, leader you came here to be. BE who you came here to be.

Seven Signs That An Angel Is With You!

by Linda Preston

Angels exist on a different vibrational frequency to humans, and most of us are therefore unable to see them but we can often feel their presence around us.

Angels have a way of making their presence known and it is not necessary to be deeply religious or to have a strong spiritual belief to sense the presence of an angel.

Below are a seven signs that may indicate an angel is close by.

1~ The temperature in the room may change. You may feel a sudden rush of warm air or a warm glow surrounding you. You may also get goose bumps or tingling at the back of your neck or head.

2~ An intriguing fragrance may appear out of nowhere. It may be an unusual aroma that you have never smelt before, and you will probably not be able to identify it.

3~ Different-coloured lights may appear from nowhere. You may see shafts of light streaming down or shooting across the room or may catch glimpses or sparks of light or notice shadows. Do not be afraid, you will not see an angel appearing until you are ready to, and angels of course have no desire to harm you.

4~ You may hear angelic voices trying to communicate to you. If the voice is merely a whisper or is muffled, send a mental message for the angel to speak louder. Do not assume that the angelic voice you are hearing is a product of your imagination.

5~ White feathers may suddenly appear in the most unlikely and unexpected of place. This is a sure sign that the angels are with you and are ready to answer your prayers.

6~ Angels may appear to you in your dream state with a solution to a particular problem. By the morning, you will feel more positive and clearer about which direction to take.

7~ You may feel as if there is someone in the room with you. As if someone has just brushed past you or you may experience the sensation that a presence is standing behind you perhaps with their hands on your shoulders.

Often the angels will make their presence very obvious. A common experience is when you are in a bookshop or a library perhaps unconsciously looking for guidance and suddenly a book will fly off a shelf and drop at your feet.

This is angels at work, trust in them and you will receive more signs.

They are here to help us on life path.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Finding Our True Center

by Chris Bourne

Power of Meditation - To many, it may seem sometimes a boring chore to sit in stillness especially with so much activity and distraction around us. Indeed the busy-ness of our society can make it very difficult to venture inwards; the mind wants to play its games, the body might not be so accommodating and when we do venture inwards in a few moments of stillness, there might be so much inner tightness that its hard to actually feel anything worthwhile. Yet meditation is a powerful practice and is helping millions rediscover their true centre - their true sense of self. So what are the benefits of meditation, why is it so important and what are the best ways to meditate?

The conditioning of society - We live in a society that conditions us from birth with certain illusionary and limiting beliefs about who we really are, what is our true humanity, what is our connection to the divine and just how magical life can really be without such constriction.

The chakra system is a part of our energy body, its purpose being to infuse soul into body and mind. However as we become increasingly addicted to certain behavioural patterns, denser energy begins to collect within the chakras just like eddy pools collecting debris as a stream flows down a mountain side. If the debris is not cleared, blockages form, our soul consciousness is sucked into them and we become identified with the patterns.

Since we project into the external world what our consciousness is being on the inside, then we manifest constriction, blockage and disharmony in the outer world too.

So how can meditation help us? - Meditation can help in many ways. Firstly, if we persist beyond our mental resistance, then we begin to connect once more with soul consciousness which still exists within the blocked energy. It is not always easy and takes patience and persistence but if we take the time during the day to sit quietly and go inwards then we will start to pick up the subtle vibrations of the soul. And if we do this and keep noticing those lighter feelings through the tightness of body and mind, then we begin to attune to them more.

Attuning means to strengthen their vibrations - what do I mean by this and how does it work to our benefit? Well, have you ever seen that amazing film footage how wind might cause a bridge to collapse? Here's a short clip:

Amazing isn't it?!!! - that something as gentle as the wind can destroy a concrete and steel bridge in this way. So what caused the bridge to collapse and what can we learn from it? It's called "constructive resonance". The wind just happens to be vibrating at the natural frequency of the bridge which causes it to vibrate stronger and stronger. This is what happens when we meditate - we're becoming the 'wind' and over time attuning to the inherent frequency of the soul shaking off the 'concrete and steel' binding us. It may take a while, but it does most definitely work and just as powerfully as in the film.

Another good reason to meditate it that it releases endorphins into our system. These are friendly chemicals within the body which block the uptake by our cells of negative energy; our body simple resists their inflow. If we're not used to meditation, it will take a while to deprogram the cells in this way (we have billions!) but it does work. Endorphins give us that joyful, playful feeling of being in love with life. So its definitely worth our while.

Finally, another powerful reason to meditate is that it accelerates our spiritual evolution. In other words it helps us reconnect with the authenticity of our soul and to realign with the natural evolutionary flow of the Universe. Our society has fallen out of sync with this flow which is why we see so much difficulty around us. Meditation helps raise our inner vibration which has a powerfully uplifting effect on our selves which then radiates outwards both into our own immediate environment and through society as a whole. In other words, we begin to create a way of life which is much more at-one with who we really are.

So how might we best meditate? - There are many ways to meditate. The most straightforward is to sit comfortably either on the floor or in a chair, with the back straight and to start by watching the breathing - regulate the breath so that it gradually slows and deepens. Some techniques would have us breathe powerfully through the mouth, others more gently through the nose - the key is to experiment and see which feels best.

When you've found a way of breathing which feels comfortable and expanding, settle into the breathing and let it slip quietly into the background of your awareness. Then begin to bring your attention to what you're feeling within. If the mind wants to be busy, that's fine, don't try to stop it, simply focus instead on what you're feeling inside.

As you connect inside the body, have the feeling of letting go of tightness, releasing and surrendering. Feel yourself expanding internally. If we keep doing this over time, then we will begin to release the tightness and inner blockages and the flow of the soul will strengthen.

Of course there are many ways to meditate other than this one: a brisk walk in the park paying attention to the senses; dancing to music whilst attuning to the natural rhythms in our bodies; yoga, the martial arts, painting or playing music for example. These can all be classed as meditation providing we're watching ourselves within the activity - attuning to the lightness (its not meditating if we're simply lost in the activity).

How often should we meditate? - Well how long is a piece of string! The key is, the more we meditate the greater the benefit will be. From my experience though, there needs to be a minimum threshold of practice for it to be really beneficial. I would say that involves meditating at least three times a day (yes I did mean 'a day'!). It doesn't have to take long - it could be a short walk around the block during the lunch break, or simply breathing for ten minutes at your desk. And when you get up in the morning, how about getting up half an hour earlier, lighting a candle and sitting for a while? or taking a shower and visualising the water flowing through you and cleansing away any negative energy. Yes it does take some commitment but as they say, "if you don't go within, you go without"!

Profound Meditation Benefits - Here at Openhand we're committed to helping people meditate and derive the benefits in their daily lives. We've produced two free guided meditations which you can play on the web or download freely to your computer ( We've detailed other meditations too such as our "Six Senses Walk" and "Morning Shower" meditation (openhandweb. org/contents/articles/meditation). And of course we run courses and spiritual healing retreats which you can read about in our events section. Apart from that, there are a myriad of other great sources out there to take advantage of. The power of meditation can be of profound benefit to us all. I hope my brief article might inspire you to spend more time each day meditating and experiencing the wonderful benefits of expanded inner peace. If you would like any further advice or help, be sure to contact: chris@openhandweb. org

Spirituality vs. Religion

Author Unknown

Spirituality says that God is within us,
and that we do not need anyone else
to make this particular divine connection for us.

Religion says that we are separated from God,
and that we need to communicate with
and worship this ascended entity
in order to make the divine connection.

Spirituality says that we are free
to make choices on our own,
and that we must accept
personal responsibility for our actions.

Religion says that we must make their choices
and act their way, depending upon a given
religious denomination's belief systems.

The theme of spirituality is fellowship
through the employment of unconditional love.

The theme of religion is
fellowship through fear and guilt.

Spirituality does not require us to make donations.

Religion has become a big business.

Spirituality says there is no Hell,
no judgment, no angry God,
and that we are loved unconditionally.

Religion says there is a Hell,
God gets angry and judges us.
Therefore, we are not loved unconditionally.

Spirituality says we are free
to choose our own path to God.

Religion commands us to do it their way,
depending upon a particular
religious denomination's beliefs.

Spirituality says we should not
be ashamed of our sexuality.
Rather, it should be a sacred celebration of love.

Religion has taught us to feel ashamed,
guilty and dirty about our sexuality.

Spirituality says God is
within everyone and everything.

Religion says God and His messengers
reside in Heaven and that "they" are
the only intermediaries for us.

Spirituality says we are born
in innocence and purity.

Religion says we are born with sin.

Spirituality teaches that we are on a long
spiritual adventure and journey which will
ultimately end by reuniting with our Source.

Religion says we have got one life to get it all right,
and there is nothing but Heaven or Hell after that.

Spirituality says we are free to express.

Religion, over time, fostered the dreaded inquisition.

Spirituality teaches unconditional love for all.

Religion, over time, fostered the Crusades
in which many were killed
and slaughtered in the name of God.

Spirituality teaches peace and harmony.

Religion has caused more wars
and more killing than any other reason.

Spirituality says we have all the answers,
that we can find them by "going within."

Religion teaches us that it has all the answers
and only its answers are the right ones.

Spirituality teaches us to search
for the Universal Truths,
wherefrom our hearts will tell us
when we have found them.

Religion teaches we have no choice
but to accept their version of the Truth.

Which one feels better to you?

Spirituality or Religion?

Go to the depths of your heart for the answer

For, indeed, it will never lie to you, my friend.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Spiritual Roots

by Grant Bright

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” ~Albert Einstein

There are many lessons to be learned from the natural world. Take, for example, trees. According to the book "The Trees Around Us", trees are vital to much of the life on earth. Forests cover almost one third of the land area of our planet. They help protect, sustain and improve mankind's supplies of fresh water. They purify the air and convert carbon dioxide, water, minerals and sunlight into nutrients and oxygen. Many plants, insects, fungi, worms and other organisms are dependent upon the shade, moisture and leaf debris provided by trees. Additionally, the environment provided by trees supports a wide variety of reptiles, birds, and mammals.

What life lessons can we, as humans, learn from trees?

1. Be flexible. The trees that bend a little to the harmless breeze will later grow to withstand the wild wind. Similarly, if we maintain a degree of flexibility in our attitudes and viewpoints we will not be broken in any storm of criticism or opposition.

2. Value the little things. Leaves, though they can be small, are vital to the life of a tree. Similarly, expressions of encouragement and appreciation, whether it be by spoken word or in the form of a simple "Thank You" card can go a long way to build the spirits of the receiver. If they are wholly restrained, the motivation of others to work with us and support common goals may die at the roots.

3. Do not be intimidated by small beginnings. Mighty oaks do indeed grow from little acorns. Efforts, when enriched with strong motivation and determination, will grow to fruition. Remember that the mighty oak tree was once a little nut that held its ground.
4. Do not be afraid of change. As David Zindell observed in "The Broken God", an acorn is unafraid to destroy itself in growing into a tree. Invigorate your life by letting go of the past and pressing forward to something new.

5. Practice teamwork. In forests, individual trees support one another. Whereas even a giant Sequoia growing by itself could be blown over, by interlocking its roots with other trees around it, Sequoias are able to stand as a grove against any wind. How much support do you share with those around you? Teamwork can accomplish much more than the sum of individual efforts, often making the difference between success and failure.

6. Grow leadership. As noted above, trees provide an environment that supports the growth of many other life forms, including saplings, small replicas of itself. An important leadership characteristic is to provide an environment that empowers and enables others to take on greater responsibility so that they, too, can develop into full-grown leaders.

7. Develop a value-system. Trees have extensive root systems. Some trees, such as mesquites, grow taproots that are often larger than the trunk and that can extend down into the ground hundreds of feet to reach vital sources of water. How extensive is your root system? Is it solidly embedded in principles and values that provide valuable guidance when life-decisions need to be made?

Yes, as Joyce Kilmer expressed it:

"I think that I shall never see

A poem lovely as a tree."

Additional learning points about trees:

It's important to have roots.

In today's complex world, it pays to branch out.

Don't pine away over old flames.

If you really believe in something, don't be afraid to go out on a limb.

Be flexible so you don't break when a harsh wind blows.

Sometimes you have to shed your old bark in order to grow.

Grow where you're planted.

It's perfectly okay to be a late bloomer.

Avoid people who would like to cut you down.

You can't hide your true colors as you approach the autumn of your life.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Earth Changes: The Way Up

by Doreen Virtue

So, the Earth Changes that we all anticipated are upon us.

This is why lightworkers such as yourself are on this planet at this time. We are here as role-models of peacefully walking through these changes, and staying centered in love instead of fear.

The angels have shown me an energy field that looks like a thick layer hovering over the earth. They said that we have the choice of living below this energy field, or above it.

♦ You live below it by becoming fearful about the news stories of earth changes.

♦ You live above the energy field by taking healthy action and staying centered in love...

Healthy action steps to take right now, in preparation for continued earth changes include:

Action Steps

*Keep your thoughts and speech positive and uplifted, especially when discussing earth changes. If you are with people who are having fear-based discussions about the earth, it's part of your life purpose to steer the conversation in uplifting ways. For instance, you can talk about positive action steps to take, such as donating time, money, or supplies to places that have endured earth changes; taking eco-friendly measures such as driving less, installing solar heating, recycling, avoiding plastic shopping bags, etc.

* Pray for the earth every day and ask what you can do to help. Then take those action steps without delay.

* Purify your diet, so that you can more easily hear the Divine voice, which is like the Emergency Broadcast System that will guide you safely through the earth changes.

Stop eating processed foods now, as they are blocking you from hearing the Divine voice clearly. Simple foods, such as uncooked organic fruits and vegetables that you buy locally or grow yourself, are the way to go.

The Earth is alive and loving and she's taking action to heal herself. Your angels are watching over you and your loved ones and they are always broadcasting messages that will ensure your well-being and safety, as well as guiding you along the path of your life purpose.

As long as we work hand-in-hand with our Divine guidance, we will live through the Era of Earth Changes with much spiritual growth.

Relationships Through the Eyes of the Angels -

The angels say that we put too much pressure upon human relationships, demanding that they live-up to our unconscious memories of heaven's unconditional love.

The love that you crave is actually a longing to merge with Divine love, which is all-encompassing and consistent.

Human love wobbles and wavers, in contrast, as fear inter-fears with the expression of love within relationships.

Divine love is continuously within and around you.

God and the angels are your steady companions.

Ask them for a sign of this love, and they will deliver a comforting validation.

In your relationships with people, adopt the angels' practice of overlooking the ego's fear-based behaviors.

See the love and light within yourself and others and don't demand that they live up to the perfect love of Heaven.

Know that every person, including yourself, is doing the best that they can do!

The Art of Not Being Offended

By Dr. Jodi Prinzivalli

There is an ancient and well-kept secret to happiness which the Great Ones have known for centuries. They rarely talk about it, but they use it all the time, and it is fundamental to good mental health. This secret is called The Fine Art of Not Being Offended. In order to truly be a master of this art, one must be able to see that every statement, action and reaction of another human being is the sum result of their total life experience to date.

In other words, the majority of people in our world say and do what they do from their own set of fears, conclusions, defenses and attempts to survive. Most of it, even when aimed directly at us, has nothing to do with us. Usually, it has more to do with all the other times, and in particular the first few times, that this person experienced a similar situation, usually when they were young.

Yes, this is psychodynamic. But let's face it, we live in a world where psychodynamics are what make the world go around. An individual who wishes to live successfully in the world as a spiritual person really needs to understand that psychology is as spiritual as prayer. In fact, the word psychology literally means the study of the soul.

All of that said, almost nothing is personal. Even with our closest loved ones, our beloved partners, our children and our friends. We are all swimming in the projections and filters of each other's life experiences and often we are just the stand-ins, the chess pieces of life to which our loved ones have their own built-in reactions. This is not to dehumanize life or take away the intimacy from our relationships, but mainly for us to know that almost every time we get offended, we are actually just in a misunderstandin......g.

A true embodiment of this idea actually allows for more intimacy and less suffering throughout all of our relationships. When we know that we are just the one who happens to be standing in the right place at the right psychodynamic time for someone to say or do what they are doing—we don't have to take life personally. If it weren't us, it would likely be someone else.
This frees us to be a little more detached from the reactions of people around us. How often do we react to a statement of another by being offended rather than seeing that the other might actually be hurting? In fact, every time we get offended, it is actually an opportunity to extend kindness to one who may be suffering—even if they themselves do not appear that way on the surface. All anger, all acting out, all harshness, all criticism, is in truth a form of suffering. When we provide no Velcro for it to stick, something changes in the world. We do not even have to say a thing. In fact, it is usually better not to say a thing.

People who are suffering on the inside, but not showing it on the outside, are usually not keen on someone pointing out to them that they are suffering. We do not have to be our loved one's therapist. We need only understand the situation and move on. In the least, we ourselves experience less suffering and at best, we have a chance to make the world a better place.

This is also not to be confused with allowing ourselves to be hurt, neglected or taken advantage of. True compassion does not allow harm to ourselves either. But when we know that nothing is personal, a magical thing happens. Many of the seeming abusers of the world start to leave our lives. Once we are conscious, so-called abuse can only happen if we believe what the other is saying. When we know nothing is personal, we also do not end up feeling abused. We can say, "Thank you for sharing," and move on. We are not hooked by what another does or says, since we know it is not about us.

When we know that our inherent worth is not determined by what another says, does or believes, we can take the world a little less seriously. And if necessary, we can just walk away without creating more misery for ourselves or having to convince the other person that we are good and worthy people.

The great challenge of our world is to live a life of contentment, regardless of what other people do, say, think or believe. The fine art of not being offended is one of the many skills for being a practical mystic. Though it may take a lifetime of practice, it is truly one of the best kept secrets for living a happy life.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Raise Those Vibrations

by Ruth Brown

Have you ever started your morning and the toothpaste tube is empty, you stomp your toe, the dog chewed on your favorite shoe and nothing seems to be going right? You’re so frustrated by now and it seems the wheels are set in motion and none of your day seems to go right.

That’s because you’re so focused on the bad morning you had that you’re resonating really low energy. At the moment when things seem to be going haywire, change your thoughts about the things that seem to be going on around you and realize this is just a grand illusion.

In fact, everything that’s going on is an illusion. Believe it or not, we created everything that’s going on in our lives. It was either created by individual thought or collective thought. I know this is hard to grasp initially, but it’s a fact.

You see, everything is created with thought. It starts with an idea. Before man went to the moon, it was an idea, before Orville and Wilbur flew an airplane, it was an idea. But the thought was so nurtured, it would have been impossible for it not to happen!

It’s the same way with us, when we focus and are vibrating high energy; we attract wonderful things. But when we’re vibrating low energy we’re attracting all the things we don’t want.

Stop focusing on what you don’t want! Ironically, thinking of what you don’t want makes that very thing happen. Start focusing on what you want. This will raise your vibrations making it easier for you to attract it no matter what it is.

The most important part of raising your vibrations is feeling good. You must get into the feel good mode. Feeling good definitely raises your vibrations. I understand it’s hard to do sometimes, but put on a piece of beautiful music, or go for a walk in the park, dance in the middle of the floor. Try it, and see how much better you feel. Just do something that will get you in that feel good place.

If you can accomplish feeling good as much as possible, you will know the truth. And the truth is that all those frustrating things that seem to be going on were really just an illusion.

I realized a long time ago that there are only three problems in the world... the lack of love, the lack of money and health issues.

Lots of people seem to be struggling financially. Others are dealing with anger; depression etc. which in essence is fear which can produce health issues while others are looking for the right partner or the security of having a family. It’s mainly because that’s their focus.

In three easy steps you can change your focus. It’s truly a simple process.

Universal Healing

By Michelle Morovaty

Hello! Universal Healing expressing itself to you Here and Now.

Universal Healing everywhere present as you open up to your True Nature and reap the benefits inside and out.

Universal Healing all the way around and Right where you reside.

Universal Healing in your own consciousness and in mine.

Universal Healing as you open up your eyes and ears and open to the essence of all that Is.

Where is Universal Healing? If and when you truly choose to be open and receptive to this Healing you shall experience it in all things. You shall experience it in all people. You shall experience it in all situations.

Until then what do you want out of your life?
Until Now you have wondered perhaps and not known. Until Now you have wanted others to tell you what it is you like and dislike. Until Now you have been aware but not awake, perhaps.

Universal Healing here expressing to you this truth. I am here. I am ever present.
I am the presence of the almighty. You experience me in such a way that your whole being tingles with delight.

You may know me as the vibrations in light and love.
You may see me in such ways as to the beauty all round, including those whom you love and not love.
You may feel me in your heart as your heart opens to hope and trust.
You may hear me in the whoosh of the wind as I am moving through the energy in the Now.
You may hear me in your inner ear as I present to you guidance that you have longed for.
You may sense me to your right, to your left, up above and so below. And so I am in front of you and in back of you.
You may notice me here and there as your mouth waters with awe as to the surprises in your life.
You may call upon me and notice that the pain you once knew has Now dissipated. Say goodbye to the unwanted and let the presence of Universal Healing shine within and without.

Call upon the Universal Healing ever present to heal you and all parts of your life.
Call upon the Universal Healing Energy in the Now. While awake and while asleep.

Universal Healing hears you beyond the human limitations. With acceptance of the possibilities of Universal Healing, All Things Are Possible. Even a transmutation of the doubt you may experiencing Now.

The time is here for you to meet something of greater warmth and delight if you so choose to.
You can in fact change things around by connecting to the Universal Healing ever present.
And what are these things? They are Things such as your physical state, your emotional state, your mental state and your spiritual state.

How do you and I and all know this to be the truth? Simply by allowing ourselves to be present to reap the benefits within and without. Co-creation is the call at this time with Universal Healing.

You have absolutely nothing to lose except your doubts and fears.
May the love and light of God and the Universe surround, protect and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Stop Waiting

Author Unknown

We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get

married, have a baby, then another.

Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough

and we'll be more content when they are.

After that we're frustrated that we have teenagers to

deal with. We will certainly be happy when they are out of that

stage. We tell ourselves that our life will be complete when

our spouse gets his or her act together, when we get a nicer

car, are able to go on a nice vacation, when we retire.

The truth is,

there's no better time to be happy than right now.

Your life will always be filled with challenges. It's best to admit

this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway. One of my

favorite quotes comes from Alfred D Souza. He said, "For a

long time it had seemed to me that life was about to

begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the

way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished

business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid.

Then life would begin.

At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life."

This perspective has helped me to see that

there is no way to happiness.

Happiness is the way.

So, treasure every moment that you have.

Stop waiting until you finish school,

until you go back to school,

until you lose ten pounds, until you gain ten pounds,

until you have kids, until your kids leave the house,

until you start work, until you retire,

until you get married, until you get divorced,

until Friday night, until Sunday morning,

until you get a new car or home,

until your car or home is paid off,

until spring, until summer, until fall, until winter,

until you are off welfare, until the first or fifteenth,

until your song comes on,

until you've had a drink,

until you've sobered up,

until you die,

until you are born again

to decide that there is no better time

than right now to be happy.

The Magickal Crystal Children

By Adrienne Dumas

The Crystal Children are those born after the Indigo Children. The Crystal Children are much like the Indigo Children, except they are more calm & peaceful. The Indigo Children have a Warrior Spirit and the Crystal Children are more serene. The Crystal Children are here to teach us to live in Harmony. Many of the Crystal Children are born and will be born between 1995-2010.The Crystal Children will work very closely with the Fairy/Elemental Realms. They love the outdoors and feel strongly attracted to the Fairies, Butterflies, Dragonflies, Frogs, etc, and they also love and feel attracted to Rocks & Crystal Gems.

The Crystal Children are natural born healers. Some Crystal Children might even begin to heal people the moment they are born by simply touching someone! Their positive & healing energy is phenomenal and is much needed during this time on our planet. They are here to teach us to live in Harmony, to live our lives based upon Love & Light, and they will also teach us how to heal ourselves and one another. They will show us how Forgiveness can create Miracles, and how we can Manifest anything that we truly desire (which they will learn mostly from the God/Goddess, Ascended Masters, Angels, & Fairies).

Many Crystal Children have been here before (meaning that they have existed on this earth before in other lives), and were High Priests & Priestesses, Wizards, Shamans, Nuns, Monks, and maybe even Saints in their past lives. Many Crystal Children can easily recall their past lives. The Crystal Children are also very artistic. They love to listen to beautiful music, and they love Art, Books, Poetry, & Crafts and as they grow up they will begin to create more beauty in our world with their gifts & talents.

A Crystal Aura: The Crystal children have multi-colored, opalescent Aura’s. Their aura’s highly resemble the pastel hues of a Quartz Crystal. They can also see Angels, Fairies, Deceased Loved Ones, etc. But what makes them a little different from the Indigo’s is that the Crystal Children can easily “read” someone - their aura’s and energy - and they can “see into your soul” simply by looking into your eyes. They tend to stare at people - into their eyes - but they do so in such a way that they are also sending healing vibrations to that person. When someone is in the presence of a Crystal child they naturally feel “lighter” and more peaceful.