Sunday, June 28, 2009

What Is Truth?

By Tom Murasso

How can we know truth? Is truth something we know or something we believe?

When we start asking questions like, ‘how it all began’, ‘what’s really going on’, or ‘how’s it going to end’, it’s difficult to know the truth, or believe something to be true, because we have no proof. Sure, we have religion telling us one thing and science telling us another, but intelligent design or chaotic random events require the ‘believer’ (us) to accept something on faith – faith in God, the Bible and religion, or faith in scientific theory. Whatever it is, truth becomes a belief – or said another way: ‘truth’ is what is true for the believer.

As my curiosity brought me to different sources of information over the years, I had to develop a way to make sense of what I was learning and exposed to. Basically, I was comparing information amongst various sources and if I came upon something I resonated with, I would continue to research it until I could validate it against similar beliefs before storing it in my belief system. Thus the information became my truth.

The trouble with this system of checks and balances was I would compartmentaliz..e and label what I learned and then several years later be shown an entirely different slant on it. So, now what? Why was truth true then… and not true now? What IS truth? It obviously had to do with what I wanted to believe based on my limited perceptions and filters. And, only when writing "The Manuscript: Awakening Into Oneness" did I realize we have always had a way to make sense of it all. We’ve always known the truth!

Experience the feelings. If something feels right, there is a connection. If something feels ‘funny’ just move on. We really do have all the answers inside… we just forgot how to access them.

Truth and Perceptions (No, it’s not the name of an old TV show from the 60’s!)

From The meaning of the word truth extends from honesty, good faith, and sincerity in general, to agreement with fact or reality in particular. The term has no single definition about which the majority of professional philosophers and scholars agree. Various theories of truth continue to be debated. There are differing claims on such questions as what constitutes truth; how to define and identify truth; the roles that revealed and acquired knowledge play; and whether truth is subjective, relative, objective, or absolute.

There are many definitions of truth, and we are constantly exposed to different levels of truth. According to an individual’s level of consciousness, each person has their own perception of truth, their life, and their surroundings.

If someone is fearful, they will perceive people, things and events around them as something to be feared or at the least cautious of. Truth to them is that all things are threatening. There’s a negative vibration to these folks and something (or someone) is always happening 'to' them.

On the other hand, people with a loving, trusting nature, see mostly ‘good’ in their surroundings. Their usual perception of people, things and events around them is positive and they naturally like to live life and enjoy it. They feel they are a ‘part’ of life. Sure, there are all types of people in between and those that teeter back and forth amongst the two extremes. What I’m describing is something called ‘duality’.

Our three-..dimensional earthly experience is one of duality. Good or bad, up or down, right or wrong, black or white, in or out, light or dark, for or against, love or fear, etc. Everything has it’s polar opposite. This is the Law of Polarities. It’s either this or that based upon our perception. The keyword there is 'perception'.

If however, a person sees both sides of duality at the same time, then their truth encompasses all the different vibrations in one's existence. Everything is acknowledged as part of the Whole. This is called ‘Oneness’.

All truth can be determined from within. This ability is known as intuition or gut feelings. Simply ask, "Is this my truth?" And then listen to the body for the answer. If we get a bad feeling in the pit of the stomach, we'll know the answer we have received is not true for us. A good feeling or tingling somewhere in the body is an indication of connection to Source Energy and truth. This ability has been lost in our modern society. But if we practice, have trust and faith, we soon learn to rely on the body sensations and the feelings we have concerning what is true and right for us.


Kinesiology is another technique to determine truth. Kinesiology is a form of muscle testing. The body's muscles respond to truth by becoming strong. The muscles become weak, when something is not true. Strong or weak – more duality! Two people are required to test the muscles. The easiest muscle to test is the arm muscle.

Everything in the universe radiates a specific frequency or vibration and energy field, which remains in the field of consciousness, the Akashic record, permanently. To determine truth using kinesiology, the test subject extends their left arm horizontally, while the tester faces the subject and places their left-hand on the test subject's right shoulder. Two fingers of the tester’s right hand are placed on top of the wrist of the extended arm of the subject. Slight pressure is applied to the wrist and the test subject is asked to resist against it. Normally, the subject is able to resist the pressure and keep the arm extended parallel to the ground. This is an indication of truth, as the body's muscles only remain strong in the presence of truth.

Not everyone is a suitable test subject, and not everyone is a suitable tester. Occasionally there are persons who are unable to keep the arm extended when any downward pressure is applied. Sometimes the timbre of the tester's voice will make the subject go weak.

To experiment with kinesiology, it is important to keep the environment free from noise and distractions, such as pets and children, as well as background music. Remove metal objects such as eyeglasses, watches, rings and necklaces. Strong perfume or cologne may also affect test results. It's best to have the test subject close their eyes.

To begin a kinesiology test, the tester should ask the subject to visualize someone they love, and then press down with their two fingers on the test subject's extended arm. If the arm does not stay strong, something has been overlooked, or the subject really does not love who they are thinking about.

To validate truth and test strong, ask the subject what their name is, have them visualize the American flag, Mother Teresa or simply state the word ‘abundance’. The subject's arm should remain strong.
Testing weak can be experienced by having the test subject visualize someone they hate or saying words like Hitler, Jack the Ripper, 911, heavy metal or gangster rap music. The subject should not be able to resist the downward pressure of the tester.

Each time a question is asked, the test subject is told to resist and the tester presses down quickly with two fingers on the subjects extended wrist. It is useless to ask questions about the future as the results will be unreliable. Questions should always be posed as a declaration of fact. Preface the investigation with the statement like, "Is it safe for me to make an inquiry into (blank)?" Yes? No?

An interesting experiment using kinesiology is to hold an object next to the subject’s solar plexus and test the arm muscle. Try items like artificial sweeteners, the foods you love, your favorite music, medicines you take, etc.


In 1995, a book was published by Dr. R. David Hawkins called, “Power vs. Force.” In it, Hawkins used kinesiology to determine a person’s consciousness level. He has determined, in his 25 years of research, that there are definable levels of consciousness measurable between 1 and 1000; 1 being the lowest level and barely alive and 1000 representing the Christ Consciousness. Only one person in the last 2000 years has calibrated at 1000: Jesus. It took him over 30 lifetimes to reach that level of consciousness. Ultimately, Hawkins discovered that consciousness calibrated at 200 was the point at which someone has the opportunity to advance to higher states of consciousness utilizing love. A consciousness that calibrates fewer than 200 means one is operating from the survival mode of fear.

Dr. Hawkins Consciousness Calibration Levels

20 – Shame

30 – Guilt

50 – Apathy

75 – Grief

100 – Fear

125 – Desire

150 – Anger

175 – Pride

200 – Courage

250 – Neutrality

310 – Willingness

350 – Acceptance

400 – Reason

500 – Love

540 – Joy

600 – Oneness

700-900 – Enlightenment

1000 – Christ Consciousness

At 500, duality or polarity begins to dissipate and completely merges into Unity or Oneness at 600. At 500 we are beginning to feel the merging of the polarities and by 600 we know the feeling of Oneness. If one finds himself in the 400's (reason), they think they understand Oneness and polarities, but only feel them occasionally.

How does one find the consciousness level? It is found by using kinesiology which has been scientifically proven to give accurate results. As stated above, the muscles of the body go weak for non-truths, and strong for truth.

Two people calibrating at 200 or more are needed for accurate results. People reading this article most likely calibrate above 200. The tester simply asks the test subject the question: "The consciousness calibration for this subject is 200 or more?" If the muscle stays strong, the answer is yes. Then the tester would ask: “300 or more?” Once again, strong resistance is a yes answer. “400 or more?” This process would continue until an exact consciousness calibration number for the subject was validated.

The solution to all third dimensional duality/..polarity problems is to bring a higher consciousness to the situation. In other words, shoot for a higher vibration. If one is feeling grief or fear, which calibrates below 100, the consciousness can rise by becoming angry which calibrates at 150. A higher vibration of pride (175) resolves the anger and raises the consciousness level even more. The goal then, is to reach for a higher vibration, and to keep reaching.

So, if we want to know truth, trust the feelings. Use kinesiology testing. If we want to raise our consciousness, we must fill our lives with people, things, events, thoughts and vibrations that calibrate higher than where we are now.

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