Friday, June 26, 2009

Friendship begins With Me!

by Hal Manogue

"You have three choices: keep on fighting, ignore each other, or make up and be friends."
Those words have been said many times over the centuries, yet somehow fighting takes control of a situation and doesn't stop until there is nothing left but broken hearts.

It seems I have been conditioned to think that fighting is the solution to all my problems. I fight over little things in order to maintain control over people and things. I fight over elections and the right to die or the right to live. I fight in sports arenas, at work, in churches, on the radio, on TV and in the movies. I watch nations fight and destroy and judge the winner and loser by the destruction that follows. I live to fight but die a little each time I do, for my natural state of being is love. I made my choice to separate from my natural state so I can fight, hate and abuse the world around me, all in the name of justice. I fight within myself; gripped in the vice of fear I battle my thoughts in order to survive. The price I pay for that choice is a life of separation.

There is always another choice in all the probabilities that appear in my daily life. I can ignore the things that bother me and cause me pain. There's no sin in not focusing on unwanted experiences. Avoiding a certain person or place does solve a lot of stress and discomfort in everyday living momentarily. I don't have to hide from anything to ignore them; I can just change my thoughts about them. My thoughts will lead me where I want to go.

If there is a person or place in my world that is causing me discomfort it's not about them, it's all about me. I see something in them that is something I don't like about myself. By avoiding that lesson I will continue to experience the discomfort in some way until I solve the issue within myself. So it's OK to not focus on a issue, but it will appear again and again until I face it and move through it, not by fighting it, but by embracing it.

Friendship is the art of accepting myself; accepting the flaws of human existence that are part of my physical journey. I see these flaws in everything and react to them by letting fear take over. I find myself locked in a world of hate. Hate becomes what I see around me and I fight to get it out of my life. By fighting it, I bring more of it into my life. Friendship or self-love is the answer that I search to find. Each annoyance is there for me to remember who I am and where I came from. Every time I surrender to pain and allow it to flow through me and accept it with love I change that pain into what I am, a friend.

Friendship begins with me. When I unite my ego with my higher self I become that friend. I am able to spread that friendship and treat everyone and everything with respect and gratitude. I may not like it at first, but I accept it knowing it is a lesson for me to learn. The dislike becomes the love that surrounds me and I move another step closer to becoming a grander version of myself. Friendship is the gift I give to myself; it is a gift of unity and appreciation.
It is Love and All There Is.

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