Tuesday, June 16, 2009

3 Secrets To A Stress-Free Life

by Jafree Ozwald

The mind and life of an enlightened being has a secret dimension to it like none other. It is a stress free quality that knows no anxiety or disappointment. It is a vast expansive quality that knows no limitations or abandonment, yet exudes from the foundation of their being.

Each person who meets an Enlightening Being (one who has their light turned on) can feel as if there is a Universe of understanding available within the silence of their own being. An Enlightened master is really someone who believes they are no-one (ego-less), has nothing on their agenda, and is completely absorbed in experiencing the amazing moments of Now.

One of the more sought after qualities of these people is their ability to remain completely stress-free in the worst of situations. Their mind is very quiet, serene and secure with itself. They judge nothing, yet also manage to experience everything. It seems they come into this world with only one desire, which is to know God more intimately than they know themselves. They may also desire to search the deepest Truth of this within their very being.

Everywhere they go they leave a trail of inner peace and physical harmony behind. Each being who comes in contact with them experiences something like a heavenly transmission that hits their very core, and is left with a more stress-free lifestyle for years down the road. They are simple masters who are merely choosing to be at peace with everything and everyone in their life along the way.

Any human being can awaken to the truth that they are a master in disguise. It's simply someone who consciously chooses to respond to life, rather than react. When someone decides that they have experienced enough suffering, they often dive through a tremendous "LET GO" experience, and develop a deeper surrender to existence when bigger situations occur.

This deeper let go is caused by a sudden re-alignment and internal shift within their being, because they choose to flow with ALL their outer situations rather than fight, bicker and resist them. A gentle easiness begins to occur inside, and there is no residual conflict in their bodymind. They've given up on their Ego's fight for what it wants, so there's no apparent threats of death, change, or stress of having to cope with situations. They simply KNOW we are all Infinite Spiritual Beings existing and breathing in their human form.

For one who knows this Truth, the entire Universe becomes their playground. Thoughts still arise within their mind, yet are invited in to be openly experienced by their emotional body and loved by their physical body. Their previously stress-filled rigid way of refusing certain "negative" thoughts and feelings, becomes a more mature lifestyle, where it is all part of the one flow of life's many dimensions of experience. No tension, judgment or avoidance strategies can find roots when we allow ourselves to be taken by this ever-present current of life.

Another quality of a stress free awakened being is that he/she knows no destination other than Now. They experience no hesitation, procrastination or postponement of their life, ever! Why should there be? They love life too much, so their mind does not get in their way to cause resistance to life. They have no stressful constriction of blood vessels caused by adrenaline rushes or fear or anger, they aren't trying to avoid an early death, because they are too consumed with the loving playful-ness of life, trusting the flow, connecting to their thoughts, emotions and physical form. They are severely tapped into the perpetual flow of bliss within themselves.

They've learned that stress is their number one signal from the body to LET GO! Any attachment or avoidance strategy is a sign to transcend the mental snare of their ego's hidden agenda. Yet after years of practicing letting go and releasing stress, they've truly come around to embracing all experiences in life, to see that within the core of their being is the ecstasy everyone is seeking.

- SECRET #1 -

The awakened being knows the GREATEST secret to living a stress-free life is having a quiet clear mind that is FULL of PURE awareness. Since the Universe is an infinite field of conscious energy and unlimited information, it is also naturally free and fulfilled. Anything we think causes it stress, conflict or suffering is an illusion in our mind. The Universe naturally loves everything, it is the energy of love. If our mind can align with the Universal mind (which simply takes a well-disciplined mind that lives only in the now) a stress-free loving existence becomes our natural everyday experience.

The meditative mind is a mind that is solidly fixed in the now. It has become laser focused, to the point of being mindful only off the now. Every awakened being will tell you this, there is ONLY NOW, and there is no better Reality other than this one that is happening to be experienced now. All experiences (negative and positive) are paths for the soul to discover this higher Universal mind and consciousness, to establish a deeper connection to the world...making their life one long life-loving meditation.

- SECRET #2 -

Another secret these enlightened masters share is that our perception of the past and future creates the GREATEST illusions that cause stress in our lives. Since this moment is the only thing that is real for a master, they choose to be constantly celebrating what is happening now. Life is this celebration of opposites for them, knowing there would be no light without shadow, nor depth without shallow-ness. They are in a state of perpetual celebration of existence (that's what make them masters).

Whatever it is that is now, contains every reason in the Universe to celebrate it. There is always another door opening where one has closed. Now is that moment that is filled with amazing qualities life consists of. The secret to realizing this secret is choosing to see the miraculous and amazing experiences that are already happening to us all right now.

- SECRET #3 -

This third secret defies all societal teachings and religions in this world. This secret takes the individual who is deeply asleep and unconscious directly into the essence of Enlightenment. It is the one secret each awakened soul knows the most intimately and profoundly. This secret is the acknowledgment and understanding that we are Infinite in our Nature.

Once a moment of ignorance arises for an awakened being and this Infinite Nature understanding is missing, that being falls immediately back into their old unconscious thinking program and societal matrix pattern again. They are then forced to dive even deeper within themselves to rise to new heights of awareness to compensate for this over-clouded mind. They must swim with the eternal flow again, with the qualities of their Infinite Nature that are always Freeing, Expansive, Nurturing, Gentle, Timeless, Eternal, and Blissfully opening their inner-most being inside.

The Truth is that we are all eternal beings who can never die। We only change form. We will be reborn again and again until we have enough awareness of the Infinite qualities of who we really are. If our awareness fails to exist when we leave this body this round, we will return back to play the game of life again until we remember the unlimited potentiality we contain. When this very piece of information remains the most sacred and supreme for your entire day, month, and lifetime, you will suddenly awaken, and the Universe will welcome you to back home to your true self and limitless playground.

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